Birds to be remembered


Ameraucanas 🐓
Feb 3, 2023
New Mexico
Hey all,
I’m sure we have all gone through the pain of losing a beloved bird. I created this thread in memory of my BO hen named Camacho. She passed 2 years ago today. She truly was quirky, and had the sweetest personality I’ve ever seen in a chicken. She was sneaky, and always managed to sneak some food from me. One morning, we found her dead in the roost. We figured she died from bug poisoning. (Ate a ton of roaches who ate poison) I would love to hear about the birds you guys have lost?
So sorry for your loss. I lost a bird very dear to me that was heartbreaking.

I have lost many due to different reasons, the one that stands out above all the others is Emily. I believe she was taken by a hawk. I can’t even describe how wonderful she was in words. When she ran, she put her head down and did a fast torpedo. She did that every time you called her name and was the spiciest fluff ball to exist.
She would stand on her tip toes and growl at anyone, even twice her size. When she was little she tripped on her toe feathers when she ran. I love Emily and i always will. The pain of loosing her was so extreme, im even getting a bit emotional writing this. I looked past 3 acres for her in hopes she was okay, i went in every yard in our neighborhood (with permission) and she was never found. Not a noise was made when i called her name. I think the thing that hurt the most is i walked in, just for a moment to get their food. I was right by the kitchen window, i looked away for a moment, there was no noise, then she was gone with a pile of feathers in her place. I hope she passed painless.
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This was Fuzzy- to this day we still don’t know why she passed, but she was such a sweet bird. Whenever we would go outside and let them out, she would jump up on your shoulder and just sit there. She passed away a little over a year ago and she had just turned a year old. We miss you Fuzzy. ❤️
They both sound like sweet girls. It’s always devastating to lose something you love. Chickens and poultry just have a special way of getting into your heart. And when they’re gone, the space just can’t be filled again. They will always be remembered.
I’m so sorry to hear about Camacho- she sounds like she was truly one in a million! All you can do is give them the best life possible, and hope for the best. Sending love for your other baby that’s struggling- it sounds like she’s had a good life. :hugs ❤️❤️❤️

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