Bird breeding!!!???


Oct 7, 2017
Hey, it’s Joe

I was wandering about breeding chickens and ducks and selling the young.

I really want to have a few smaller runs/coops to have just a single breed in (alongside my mixed flocks, for eggs)

I’ve seen and heard of plenty of people who have kept a pair or trio of call ducks with no problems, but is it possible to keep certain chicken breeds like this? I know my grandad in the past managed to keep THREE cockerels with THREE hens with no problems!!!!

The breeds of chicken I’m interested in are....
Silver Hamburg

Thanks in advance x
but is it possible to keep certain chicken breeds like this? I know my grandad in the past managed to keep THREE cockerels with THREE hens with no problems!!!!
It can work....or not.
Not dependent on breed so much as individual birds, their demeanor and if they can work out a harmonious hierarchy.
I have only had chicken once in the past that were MINE however my family have had chickens for as long as I can remember and I have helped in every way possible.

I do not have any birds as of yet, but I will be buying some in a couple of months, and this whole breeding thing will probably not happen till next spring x

Also about my grandad having theee roosters and three hens together with no problems? Is this normal?

P.s they were raised together from hatching eggs

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