Best way to harvest feathers


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 8, 2013
I'm about to dispatch a very aggressive rooster. I want to save his feathers, particularly the hackles.

I've read about skinning and preserving the hide, as well as other methods. I'm considering dipping in hot water, washing the feathers, then putting them in a pillow case and throwing them in the dyer. Afterwards, spraying them with some mite spray from the pet store.

Any thoughts? Any better approaches? I'm using the cone method to butcher, both to be humane as well as to save those gorgeous hackles.
Sorry I cannot help, but there are a couple of posts on here about harvesting feathers- unfortunately they are a bit difficult to find... all I can remember is that some folks microwave their feathers to kill bugs and sometimes throw feathers in the freezer for long periods of time. Anyway, sorry I cannot help but good luck!

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