Best incubator

What can you say now, after using it for a long time?
Need to order myself a new incubator as soon as possible.
It’s important to choose the right incubator with useful features. What egg capacity do you need? I suggest checking Chick inova incubators as this brand offers incubators holding from 4 to 35 chicken eggs. All of them have temperature and humidity controls, egg turners, and fans. You can find out more on Hopefully, you will find what you are looking for there.
What can you say now, after using it for a long time?
Need to order myself a new incubator as soon as possible.
I still love it! It holds a good amount of eggs, hold temp and humidity very well, and I always have around a 90-100% hatch rate in my eggs that are fertile! It’s an amazing incubator and I highly recommend it for anyone looking for one! It was a little pricey, but if you’re really into hatching chicks it’s worth every penny in my opinion.

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