Best Buff Orpington Contest!!!! ~ Ends:9/20/22

Name: Gnocci
Place you got him or her from: Family farm and home
Fun fact: she’s not afraid to run around in the deep mud after her duck friends!
Background color: purple
Name color: green
Name: Mango
Place you got him or her from: family farm and home
Fun fact: she’s my sweetest, calmest chicken, and always follows me everywhere I go when I do chores
Background color: blue
Name color: orange

Side note: I know I likely won’t win anything with this picture, since she looks rough from recovering from an insect sting, and she’s got paint splattered on her from “helping” paint the barn, and she gets her feathers plucked and she gets torn up pretty bad by the other birds. But, I feel like I owe it to this hen to enter her. She’s taught me a lot about chickens, and no matter what happens she’s faithful and loving. She will almost always come when I call her. She even comes up to the house under a window and screams for someone to deliver her grapes. She’s spoiled rotten, but it doesn’t matter. She’s the best chicken ever. 🥰

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