Best Breed for Novice- Massachusetts

Best Breed for Novice- Massachusetts, looking for info. We’re on almost 1 acre, lots of room but also lots of predators:fox, fishercats, coyotes, mice. Eventually will need to see picks on good security practices. But for now interested in breed that lays and is fun. Oh lastly, can I not feed them corn, soy or wheat? I think the their type of breed will require one of them but could I wean it out of their diet later on?
I moved from MA two years ago. You need cold hardy birds. The cold hardy ones I have that are fun are; black australorps, Delaware, Speckled Sussex, and golden comets. My EE's are fun as well.

You will need a lot of protection. My recommendation is to convert a shed, add roosting bars, nesting boxes, and add ventilation above the roosting bars. Of course you will also need to add a chicken door. Use the shed doors for yourself to clean. If you can raise it a foot or 18-inches, that is great added protection. Attach 1/2 inch hardware cloth to the bottom of the shed on all sides, run to the ground and the out on the ground 12-18 inches to prevent digging predators. Also, any ventilation holes you put in the shed, securely fastened with hardware cloth. I use screws with fender washers. For your run, as a foundation to connect hardware cloth, a cost effective alternative to chain-link is to use T-posts and connect feed lot panels to the T-posts. Then to the panels you will need to connect 1/2 hardware cloth sides, with an apron (run the hardware cloth down to ground and out 12-18 inches and over with dirt or rocks). You can connect with zip ties. For the ceiling, either have a hardtop or use hardware cloth with tarps for some of the run for rain and snow protection.
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I loved my Barred Rocks, Easter Eggers, Black Australorps, and Buff Orpingtons. I also loved my Delaware but she was pretty loud so if that’s an issue I wouldn’t recommend lol my Speckled Sussex was cool too and I personally loved my White Leghorn but a lot of people say theirs are flighty plus they do have a huge comb and wattles so not always cold hardy but mine handled it fine and never got frostbite. She also laid really well and was very personable and friendly. She foraged really well too if you ever wanted to let yours out which I wouldn’t with all those predators but yeah.
I loved my Barred Rocks, Easter Eggers, Black Australorps, and Buff Orpingtons. I also loved my Delaware but she was pretty loud so if that’s an issue I wouldn’t recommend lol my Speckled Sussex was cool too and I personally loved my White Leghorn but a lot of people say theirs are flighty plus they do have a huge comb and wattles so not always cold hardy but mine handled it fine and never got frostbite. She also laid really well and was very personable and friendly. She foraged really well too if you ever wanted to let yours out which I wouldn’t with all those predators but yeah.
I love my barred rocks as well, but I find them to be a little of a crapshoot. Many are nice but some are bullies. My Delaware is not loud.
I love my barred rocks as well, but I find them to be a little of a crapshoot. Many are nice but some are bullies. My Delaware is not loud.
Hmm that’s interesting! Both of mine were nice but maybe it depends where you get them from or something. And interesting about the Delaware too. Maybe it was just mine that was loud 🤣 maybe it’s because I let them freerange a lot so when I didn’t she was mad about it? LOL That and the egg song are really the only times she was super loud. But she would scream to be let out LOL
Hmm that’s interesting! Both of mine were nice but maybe it depends where you get them from or something. And interesting about the Delaware too. Maybe it was just mine that was loud 🤣 maybe it’s because I let them freerange a lot so when I didn’t she was mad about it? LOL That and the egg song are really the only times she was super loud. But she would scream to be let out LOL
Or, I have a quiet Delaware. My n=1, so I don't have a basis for comparison.

I will say my rocks are the smartest chickens. They are the first to "think out a plan" for rain, heat, etc...

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