Besides Chickening..

Well my story....

I've worked as a waitress & on a casino.A few jobs in retail... But I can say my most interesting job was being a private investigator for a few years.Took a 6 week course at college to get my license.People can do some crazy stuff I tell ya...
Got tired of the city life & people in general ( this is about the only place I socialize or maybe I've lost it LOL).Only go to town once a week or two weeks if I can get away with it.
Have a wonderful hubby , he works in manufacturing/ rolls & forms metal... loves my chickens & supports my addiction.
His family has 10 acres on the bayou & I just love it.
So lucky to be able to stay at home in the country.

Love this thread!

My name is Kelly, I grew up in one of the suburbs of Detroit (Sterling Heights). For some reason, I always had a desire deep down to live in the country. I got married to Jim, who also wanted to live in the middle of nowhere on a piece of property and have farm animals. Shortly after our wedding, we found the perfect house in Capac on a dead end road, just outside of town, on 5 acres.

Jim passed away shortly after our 1st wedding anniversary (complications after a bone marrow transplant). I insisted on keeping the house and working towards getting some farm animals, though my family kept asking me "when are you going to move back to the city???"

About 2 years ago, I met Matt. We are getting married this September. The thing I love most about Matt is that he *almost* never tells me no! (the only thing he is disagreeing with right now is getting cows, but even that isn't getting a definite "no" it's more like a "we'll talk about it later") He has no real desire to have farm animals, but he never tries to talk me out of it. This year is the beginning of my "hobby farm" - I will be planting a large garden, I have 26 chicks, and I will be getting 2 pigs within the next month (part of Matt's Christmas present to me!).

I work as a project manager for an office furniture dealership. I hate it. I am hopeful that one day Matt will be in a great job that will allow me to stay home and raise a family. At this point, I would settle for a job closer to home (I drive 100 miles round trip right now), but the Michigan economy isn't agreeing with me!
Hi My name is Micki. We live in northern FLorida and have 9 1/2 acres. My husband has always wanted to live in the country. He also hunts and fishes. Our property is adjacent to the wildlife area (backs up to our back acreage) We used to run a Dog Kennel and my husband worked for Columbia Hospital. Now he works in Tallahassee at an apartment complex He has 130 mile round trip but he loves living in the country and living in a small town. We have a hobby farm We have 22 chickens, a horse, three goats, and 3 baby goslings. We also have a full sized collie and two cats one of whom is 18 years old. My youngest son is about ready to deploy to Iraq. (Hense the baby gosling as a distraction). I am lucky to stay at home and tend to the animals. I also help my daughter look after our grand children. They just love all the animals Oh yeah I forgot my husband just brought home to baby guniea pigs two weeks old says their for the grandkids but he plays with them at night. Love this link its very interesting Micki
Hi all,

Real Name is Denise

I am a pet groomer and work out of a vets office. I did this for 10 years and got bit in the face pretty bad. I was burned out too so I quit and worked in lanscaping for some time till I had my daughter. I went back into pet grooming when she was 7 mon, in order to make ends meet. I must be good at what I do cause I always win the Best Pet Groomer Award for our area.
I also work PT as a Pampered Chef consultant and go to peoples homes and have cooking shows for them. I'm learning to play violin.....very addicting
And I enjoy garding of any kind, and make my own teas and herb oils.
Our home was built in 1790 and the half that does not have the summer kitchen is caving in on itself
Gonna have to tear that down soon and build another section. I hate to it because of the history......but gotta do what ya gotta do. Home sits on 1 2/3 acre, and we are surrounded by appox 500 acres of farm land.
I'm 38, Hubby is 40 works as a plummer and large machine operator, daughter is 4 and attends daycare.
We have 3 indoor is Leuk+ and 3 legged. Other 2 are fine but getting up there in age. 5 Guppies and 1 alge eater we call Sucky Joe. And of course our new additions 6 hens that I just adore.
However, the kid I was refering to with my "birthmark" comment is not ADD, he's ED. He's living in a horrible situation, just a step up from being raised by wolves (meaning no disrespect to wolves), and at the age of 8 is one of the most violent individuals I have ever met. He's knocked one child unconscious, and sent another to the hospital with a broken arm, both with a smile on his face. We are trying to get him placed in a better situation, but I'm afraid it might be too late.

Those are very bad signs... very bad. I hope you're able to help him.
Hi, I'm Karen

These days I'm a full-time mom to two boys, age 5 and 9. They keep me very busy with their activivties and with volunteering at the school. I do a school library gig once a week and do the take-home folders for both classes. My other hobbies include making beaded and wire jewelry, gardening (no veggies due to shade) and reading. I'm trying to make my jewelry habit self sustaining by occasionally selling what I've made. I'm also very slowly working towards a certification as a sign language interpretor. I'm in my mid-forties and have been married to the same man for nearly 20 years. The mind boggles at the number of years that have creeped up on me. My hubby is a programer and a mad runner. I define mad runner as anyone silly enough to do more than one marathon.

In life before children I was a lab technician. I worked in environmental chemistry and in quality control/quality assurance at an allergy shot manufacturer. I miss some aspects of lab work, but I'm more than pleased not to ever have to open a nasty smelling jar of unknown waste to find out just how toxic it is.

I have lived in Alaska, Minnesota, New York and now Texas. My first childhood job was weeding a large garden. acre+, for a local farmer for $1/hour. He had standard and bantum chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, guineas, peafowl, pigeons, goats, and horses. I got my pet squirrel, rooster and the ducks I hatched there.
I'm a single mom raising two of the best boys in the world!! They are 13 and 11. we live on a half acre in the country! I have a bachelor degree in social work and am employed at a hospital as a discharge planner!
I like hearing about all of you...
I'm married, with one son. I will have been married for 19 years on May 1 and my son will be 14
on Labour Day...
I live in the south suburbs of Beantown on an 1/8th of an acre. I have 2 pet hens and currently two fish tanks...I might have three by the end of next week, because I told my DS that if he got B's on his report card that I'd make him a "Goth" fish tank. Black tank, black fish, black sand, black plant...
My DH works as an Emergency Dispatcher at Boston University. He drives an hour or so each way...
I work at Petco, where the pets go...I love all the animals except for the Quaker Parakeets, the Dwarf Hamsters and grump, the Albino Nelson's Milk Snake, and the Scorpions.
My DH will be 60 on Memorial Day and I'll be 43 on Labour son and I are only a day apart...

Before Petco, I volunteered at the school's library, at his previous school, and was a Webelos assistant Den Leader.
I have my own homebased business, making DreamWebs (my version of Dreamcatchers) and Tshirts and some other crafts. If you'd like to look, the link is in my signature..

I also do special orders, so if you have a specific colour or theme, I can do that too.
I have to update my site too, but there aren't enough hours in the day sometimes...
I like to read, listen to music and work in my garden. Nothing's more relaxing than sitting in the yard with the birds and a book and a cup of coffee.
I also had heart surgery when I was small, 6 and 8. It was a correction of Tetralogy of Fallot.
I grew up an army brat. My father was a surgeon in the U S Army and we traveled alot. My 1st husband was in the U S Army and we traveled alot. I served 4 yrs in the U S Air Force, and traveled alot.
My 2nd husband is born and raised within 20miles of the same place his whole life. We live less than a mile from his parents, as do all 5 of this siblings.
We have 3 acres in the county, and a little one room school house converted into a home in the early 20th century. My husband is obcessive about the yard and it always looks wonderful. EXCEPT I got chickens 5 yrs ago! hehehe
I have started planting more and more areas in, around our yard-to save mow time. Love to garden.
I spend M-F at our local public library as system administrator. And weekends oncall for emergencies. Basically I fix what users destroy! what fun!
3 things I refuse to live without in no paticular order:
my chickens
my greenery
my PC (or mac for that matter)
I still love to travel, but now just on vacations!
Home is where my heart is!

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