Been awhile, i need help


9 Years
May 26, 2010
Wouldn't you like to know..
long time no talk forum. My oldest ducky Pearl layed an egg yesterday! but after she layed it shes been, well how do you say....not very talkative. Like she dosent talk much like she did. Shes eatting, drinking, bathing normal. Just seems to not talk as much.....
ok heres what you do, carefully, very carefully catch her and take your hand underneath her and take your fingers and feel between her pelvic bone just above the vent to see if you can feel an unlaid egg. sorry can't exactly describe it, hard like object that shouldn't be there...?

If you don't feel anything i wouldn't worry too much, jus see if she lays tomorrow. she might be fine, just not as quacky today.
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i felt nothing, nothing at all. i looked at here vent and everything. nothing. she just seems depressed today, and its making me sad. after i put straw in her cage last night. Shes just been sad
. First time shes ever seen straw because she stays inside with me. maybe she ate to much of that straw.... if i have to ill take her to the vet cuz i dont want somthing to happen to her
and whats it mean if she only lays one egg? i just gave her some lettus and she loved it, tore it up. maybe im just freaking about about nothing. I tend to do that when it comes to my duckies
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I'm not sure, its possible the egg shell didn't quite develop or might have been soft. someone else might have a better idea but i would still keep an eye on her tomorrow to she if she lays. BTW are you sure she laid the egg? how many others is she housed with?

Hope she gets perkier for ya
Good Luck.

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