Bedding for open chicken run


In the Brooder
Oct 1, 2021
Sacramento, CA

I see that people use pine shavings for their chicken runs and I want to do this too to help with smell, but my chicken run is completely open and I live in an area where it rains during the fall, winter, and spring. What do I do with the chips for rain?

Also, do I need to wrack and turn the shavings in the run like I would for a deep liter method coop?
I wouldn't use shavings in an open run. I'd use wood chips. They drain better and slowly decompose with the poop load.
Yep, course wood chips is your best option. Just like walking on a nice mulched flower bed. If drainage isn't a problem in your run, the water will filter down into the ground and you will be walking on chips. Make them 3 - 4 inches to start and as they break down add more. There is no need to do anything to the chips. The chickens will enjoy scratching through them for you and dust bathing in them.

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