Becoming closer with my flock


Jul 5, 2021
I have 19 chickens. Only 1 is close with me we got closer when she developed ptsd seeing 6 of her sister chickens killed. The other ones run from me no matter how nice I am to them. Is there a way to get them to be more ok with me picking them up? I just would like them not to run every time they see me. I would like to bond with them more.
I have 19 chickens. Only 1 is close with me we got closer when she developed ptsd seeing 6 of her sister chickens killed. The other ones run from me no matter how nice I am to them. Is there a way to get them to be more ok with me picking them up? I just would like them not to run every time they see me. I would like to bond with them more.
The best time to do this is when they are chicks. Hold them alot, if they don't like to be held, just don't. They will at least let you pick them up when they need to be. And some chickens bond easily. I find that EEs have LOADS of personality and pretty much do whatever their little hearts desire. 🤣 Anyway, I have found that when they are younger, they tend to hate being held. They just want to run around and do whatever they want (the chicken equivalent of kids). But as they get older, they start wanting to be held more, but you have to start that back up by just picking them up. Some of them might not like it, but then get used to it and love it. I have 7 mo. old pullets and they hate to be picked up, but I also have a 6 yr. old hen and she walks up to me to be stroked. Also it kinda depends on who's your favorite to see who get the most pettings. ;) 3 of mine are EEs and a BO and they argue over who get held (they also get jealous)!
12 of my chickens are chicks leghorns and isa browns the oldest leghorn I have she has been laying for a few months likes to be picked up and gets jealous when I show attention to the others the rest I have are about 2 months old Cornish and barred rock. But all of them except the oldest leghorn run away from me. I'm trying to pick up the chicks but they run and I cant get to them in the coop bc they run into the corner and they are fast. The Cornish and barred rocks run from me too I have to catch them to hold them.
I brood all of my birds in an upstairs bedroom where they are regularly handed. Then, they move outdoors and act as if they have NEVER been touched by human hands and run like I'm trying to kill them.

I am currently trying to get my youngest birds to like me better. I sit in the coop and run with small bits of grapes in my lap. The Columbian Wyandotte will let me pet her now, the Cochin Bantams will at least crawl into my lap and grab grapes. The Bielefelder is still convinced I am incredibly evil and untrustworthy; she just steals grapes the others have taken from me.

Good luck with "taming" your girls. Some of mine mellow out as they get older and at least squat so I can catch them. As with everything else in their lives, food is a key to overcoming their reluctance.
I tried sitting with them in their coop with the chick food in my hand and a cup they were ok until I tried to touch one then they run like im trying to kill them. I did handle some of them when they were in the house. I guess I just need patience and food.
Lots and lots of patience! I put the grapes on my lap and keep my hands away -- at first. Once they seem comfortable climbing on me, I try sneaking in little touches. I just brush their breast feathers or touch their backs.

And, honestly, it doesn't always work. But making them come to me and walk onto my outstretched (and protected from poop and scratches with overalls) legs is the best method I've found.

Hang in there!
The younger birds are at the age where they generally won't want as much contact with you anyhow (teenagers!) If they were friendlier when they were babies, they'll likely become friendlier again once they start laying.

Otherwise just spend as much time with them as you can in a non threatening manner. Sit down with a book in the run/yard and just ignore them. Become part of the environment that dispenses treats once in a while.
Lots and lots of patience! I put the grapes on my lap and keep my hands away -- at first. Once they seem comfortable climbing on me, I try sneaking in little touches. I just brush their breast feathers or touch their backs.

And, honestly, it doesn't always work. But making them come to me and walk onto my outstretched (and protected from poop and scratches with overalls) legs is the best method I've found.

Hang in there!
I'll have to try it thanks
The younger birds are at the age where they generally won't want as much contact with you anyhow (teenagers!) If they were friendlier when they were babies, they'll likely become friendlier again once they start laying.

Otherwise just spend as much time with them as you can in a non threatening manner. Sit down with a book in the run/yard and just ignore them. Become part of the environment that dispenses treats once in a while.
I do that all the time anyway I put on my Bug spray take a chair and a book by the coop and sit.
Treats, treats, treats! My girls run to me every time I walk outside because they know I've got the goods. This helps wrangle them up when I need to.

When they were younger, I would sit down on the ground, on their level, at first and they'd hop on my legs/lap to see if I had any treats. After they realized I wasn't a predator, they'd stick around for a bit. Eventually they'd sunbathe on me. They do this to our dog too lol.

Now, I go outside and sit in a chair. They all run to me, a few hop into my lap. Clearly, I've bribed them lol.

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