Barred Rock Leg Color


11 Years
Aug 25, 2008
Peoria, IL
I ordered a mixed bag of heavy breeds and received quite a few barred chicks that we assumed were barred rocks. They are seven weeks old now, and we sorted them into males and females today. Once they were separated, we noticed that all of the males have yellow/orange legs, and the females have grey legs. Is this a sex linked trait, or are the males and females different breeds? I also noticed that our adult female BR has yellow legs.
Barred rocks should have yellow legs. Do you have pictures? I'm sure folks on here could tell breeds by photos.
A dark wash down the front of the legs is usually a sign that said chick is a pullet, along with two other things which include being darker with a more defined white spot on the back of the head. The cockerels don't have the black wash supposedly.
This sounds exactly like what we see on ours. It's like the front of the legs are grey, and the backs are more yellowish. We also noticed that the females are more black, and the males are more white. I don't have any pictures, but I can try to get some tomorrow.
I read that Barred Rock pullets at this age have more pronounced gray tint to the front of their legs. (I hope this is a hen.)


The roos have less gray. (This roo is also older, being almost 2.5 months.)


I hope I have been helpful, as I am really somewhat of a newbie myself. Best of luck!
This sounds exactly like what we see on ours. It's like the front of the legs are grey, and the backs are more yellowish. We also noticed that the females are more black, and the males are more white. I don't have any pictures, but I can try to get some tomorrow.

Yep, sounds good to me! Barred Rocks are very easy to sex, in fact I think they have a gene when crossed with another breed (can't remember which) that produce sexlinks. I am looking forward to pictures! I love BR, they are wonderful and comical birds

Hat Lady: That first picture I am SURE is a pullet!
Definately definately.
My barred rock rooster has yellow legs with grey in the front, but why does my barred hens have slate legs? Both hens have slate legs and they come from 2 different places.

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