Bare spots/ feather plucking?


Jan 26, 2023
Middle Tennessee
I’ve noticed over the past few weeks that my Ameraucanas have bare patched at the base of their backs where their tail feathers begin. Some worse than others. I’m trying to figure out if 1) they are being pecked on by other chickens, 2) they are plucking them out by themselves, 3) molting - at this late date? I don’t see any parasites at all. I have a French Cuckoo Marans who has the same thing to a lesser degree. Their neck feathers look fine. I just want to know if I can or should do something about it. They have a huge and interesting run, and the henhouse is 6x7 with a total of 13 hens total. No roosters. I’ll add pictures of what I’m talking about. Thanks!
By the way - my Marans seems to have feathers plucked off her legs with some still on her toes. I don’t see any parasites on her either.


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Thank you for replying. I had thought molting occurred only in fall. This is our first winter.
Molting can take place anywhere from September - January or February it depends on the individual bird. Some molts earlier and later though. Also molts can be heavy and light - that depends on the bird as well.
They have a huge and interesting run, and the henhouse is 6x7 with a total of 13 hens total.
Kinda tight space there.
Is the run predator and weather proof?
What all and how exactly are you feeding?

I've had many a bird with that bare patch, never worried about it much, but I've always had a cockbird in the flock until a couple years ago.
It's not molting.

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