Bantams, Layers, Brooding, Oh My!


In the Brooder
Feb 20, 2017
Hi all! :love I have just been given the green light (a positive maybe) to begin my first flock!

I just wanted to start a thread on breeds that will be good for this semi-first timer.
My ideal traits are...
  1. Smaller breed; working with a pretty average amount of space
  2. Okay layers, will probably be more like feathery pets than an actual food source
  3. Friendly and overall docile
I am planning on starting with 3 pullets or hens and was entertaining the idea of Silkies or Easter Eggars (despite their broody disposition).

Thank You!
Bantam Brahmas. They lay smooth brown eggs, have feathered feet, and a gorgeous pattern. The most popular colors to get them in are Buff, Light, and Dark. I’ve two standard size Buff and a Light chick-they are super sweet! Silkies are good pets but yes, not great on eggs. EEs lay colored eggs and are often sweet, but I think it depends n the bird.
I would not mix EE and silkies. Some people do and don't have any problems, some people never get it to work. If you are a first timer, go with either one or the other. I love my EE's. Getting eggs is quite a bit of fun.

Pretty average space is pretty vague. Most pre-fab coops vastly overestimate the number of birds that will fit. Measure your coop and your run space in square feet and then determine the number of birds you can get. Overcrowding birds is the other way of cause problems in the flock.
Pretty average space is pretty vague. Most pre-fab coops vastly overestimate the number of birds that will fit. Measure your coop and your run space in square feet and then determine the number of birds you can get. Overcrowding birds is the other way of cause problems in the flock.
Ditto Dat^^^

This is rather vague too...
given the green light (a positive maybe)
Sounds like parentspeak for 'stop asking me'.:lol:

While breed can be important, space is number one.
The age old question....'which came first, the chicken or the egg?'
I like the answer, 'the coop comes first'....then the birds.

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