
6 Years
Jun 1, 2017
Need advice on my new bantam.
Last week I bought 2 Millie Fleur Cochin bantams. I drove an hr and after taking them out of the box I noticed the frizzle was falling asleep. And “gasping”. Thinking it was heat or stress related I took them inside. The lady said they were 8 weeks and they still have fuzz on their heads and pin feathers on their backs. I’ve never had bantams this age but they look like the 5-6 week old LFs I had last year.

Brought them inside, started Corid and dribbled some elector psp on them. After multiple google searches based on symptoms I decided the frizzle probably has brooder pneumonia. Heavy breathing, lethargic and gasping. So dumped Corid, added garlic to water and ACV. She didn’t make it. So now I have a 5ish week old inside the house who I’m watching very closely. I have 2 bantams outside 8 and 10 weeks that I want to add her too but she’s still not fully feathered, sleeps a lot during the day but eating/drinking/ normal poop.

My question is do bantams Cochins feather slower?
Do they sleep at this age still?
Am I being paranoid to think she’s sick and breathing hard?
How long to quarantine/leaving her alone is hard even though I take her out multiple times a day.
Should I just try to worm her? Will attach pictures. Thanks you thank you! I don’t like having a lonely house chicken
I had a Mottled frizzle Cochin Bantam that grew in his feathers SO slow, I wasn't sure he was going to make it. He was super healthy and active, his feathers just took longer to come in. Now he is a healthy adult.
I had a Mottled frizzle Cochin Bantam that grew in his feathers SO slow, I wasn't sure he was going to make it. He was super healthy and active, his feathers just took longer to come in. Now he is a healthy adult.
Thank you! I’ve never had them but she definitely looks younger than 8 weeks. Do you have pictures? Thanks again for the input
However, if your chick is acting sick, he might have some issue. If you are treating her, she should recover. I'm sorry, don't have a picture. It seems my bantam Cochins have always grown pretty slow.

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