Bantam Rooster with Full Size Hens-I've Got Questions?

In my experiences I like the bantam cochins. They are big enough to get the job done and make great flock roosters. Smaller breeds I would avoid if you want fertile eggs. Those sometimes just mate the hens back. My bantam EE also seem to get the job done. If you hens are very large you may have problems. The plus side of bantam roosters is I don't get bare backed hens anymore.
My bantam buff brahma does just fine with standard lavender orphington's.
I am so happy to see this thread! We have a mixed group that we got as chicks, and I’ve got 4 birds trying to crow, one of which is the most beautiful bantam. He thinks he’s a big bird, and I’d hate to get rid of him. Any thoughts on whether I’d be able to keep him and a full sized roo?
I'd say that it depends on the size of your chicken area and how many hens you have. Right now I have four roosters (two bantam Cochin, two White Leghorn) and thirty-three hens in a 30x100 ft (ish) run, and that works out fine.
I’m so happy for this thread too and for BYC! We’re about to introduce 8 new hens to our flock of 2 bantam hen sisters, an ancient barred rock, and a faverelle bantam rooster. The new girls won’t be bantam! I’m hoping Jean Pierre will be ok, and from what it sounds like he will. What a wild ride chicken stewardship is!
I've read on this site a few instances where members have luck with their flock when there is a mix of sizes. I have a few questions if anyone has experience or would like to ponder these questions with me.

1. Has anyone successfully had a Bantam Rooster mate and produce fertile eggs with a full size hen?
2. If the Bantam cannot mate successfully, will he make a good addition to a flock of 8 Pullets for security and wellbeing?
3. If the Bantam hits the target and a broody hen hatches the offspring, are these considered Bantams or what concoction will they be?

Currently we have 5 EE's, 2 Beilefelder and 1 Partridge or Starlite, not quite sure yet on her to be honest.

Not currently looking for a Roo, but there is an opportunity to add one this spring and wanted to throw out these questions to the masses to see what you guys/gals think. Any advice or opinions are welcomed.
Yes I have had my bantam rooster mate with full size hens. Of course he is a buff Brahma bantam so he is almost the size of the hens.

Bantam roosters are often honrey little guys. They would certainly try their best to mate

They would be mutts

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