bantam constantly being bullied


Apr 14, 2020
Lexington, KY
I have a Belgium D'uccles bantam (Lilly) that can't seem to assimilate with others. She was one of 10 chicks (8 full size and 2 bantams) I purchased when they were a day old (May 2020). The chickens live in a 5'x10' raised coop with a 7'x16' run. She has been bullied almost from day one from most of the hens so she would spend her days in the coop. It got so bad, I built another small coop with a 12'x6' run and placed her in the new one with three silkie chicks. Well, the chicks are now 6 months old and the same thing is happening again. Lilly stays on the very top roost all day and only comes down when I go in the run to give them treats. I have to stay right with her while she eats and drinks. She had quit laying for a couple of months but started again earlier this week. But....the problem is she is laying her egg from the top roost so I find it on the floor (usually broken) and a nesting box is in the coop. She only laid one egg in that before she quit laying. I am at a loss. She is such a mellow, laid back girl and it is sad to see her so isolated. Any suggestions?
Is there any other bird that she gets along with, or is everyone bullying her and she doesn't have a single "friend" in the bunch?

She might need to be kept in a small enclosure alone, in view of the others but without access, so she gets social stimulus from seeing them but no stress from having to interact with them.
I have a Belgium D'uccles bantam (Lilly) that can't seem to assimilate with others. She was one of 10 chicks (8 full size and 2 bantams) I purchased when they were a day old (May 2020). The chickens live in a 5'x10' raised coop with a 7'x16' run. She has been bullied almost from day one from most of the hens so she would spend her days in the coop. It got so bad, I built another small coop with a 12'x6' run and placed her in the new one with three silkie chicks. Well, the chicks are now 6 months old and the same thing is happening again. Lilly stays on the very top roost all day and only comes down when I go in the run to give them treats. I have to stay right with her while she eats and drinks. She had quit laying for a couple of months but started again earlier this week. But....the problem is she is laying her egg from the top roost so I find it on the floor (usually broken) and a nesting box is in the coop. She only laid one egg in that before she quit laying. I am at a loss. She is such a mellow, laid back girl and it is sad to see her so isolated. Any suggestions?
Honestly, if it’s at all possible I would make her a house chicken so she can have companionship (and supervised solo outdoor time) with YOU. And if you have dogs or cats that would make this plan impossible, see if there’s someone else who could take her and give her this kind of life. Unusual, less than ideal, but I’ve seen this work beautifully before in similar situations. It hinges however on a person’s willingness to really bond with, and be available to BE with, in a loving way, a chicken.
We have the same issues with our single little black bantam in a flock with seven Chanteclers (the Alberta variety). Between the other hens and the roosters she could never catch a break. Lost so many feathers, stopped laying, and wouldn’t come out of her (smaller) nesting box unless I picked her up.
We added a mini run onto the main run (all in a barn stall). She can see and interact with everyone, and we let her out every once in a while. Added some vitamins to her water and after a few weeks she is a new bird!
The only solution I can think of is she needs to come live with me. Seriously, you need to think about giving her a place of her own and purchase a few of her breed to keep her company.

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