Bantam chicks with cocci


10 Years
Apr 16, 2014
I have 3, six week old bantams who seem to have cocci. Two are worse than the third one. As soon as I noticed their wings drooping and them acting lethargic I got corrid and some medicated starter for them. We are on day 2 of the corrid and they are all still alive but still pretty lethargic. Anything else I can do to help them. I'm really hoping I don't lose any. I put 3/4 tsp powedered corrid in 1 gal of water. That is what they have been drinking. Is it strong enough? Any help would be appreciated.
I would recommend giving them some electrolytes to help with the lethargy. Here is a simple recipe you can make at home if you do not have electrolytes for chicks already and you need it in a hurry.

1 cup warm water
2 teaspoons molasses OR 2 teaspoons granulated sugar
1/8 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon baking soda
1/8 teaspoon potassium chloride* (optional)

Give a couple drops to your lethargic chicks every 10 minutes or so until you see an improvement that lasts.

Good luck!

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