bad to bring them in the house?


6 Years
Jul 10, 2017
Battle Creek, Michigan
My Coop
My Coop
It's been below zero here at night single digits during the day and I've thought about bringing my girls in the house just quarantined in the mud room during the day mostly so I can sit and play with them lol
but I wonder if it would be too much of a shock to their system coming in the heated house and going back outside in the bitter cold what do you all think?
I only have 6 and they have never wintered before so I've had them in for 2 days and plan to keep them in thru this next frigid cold blast. I notice some black spots on combs so I wanted to rule out frostbite. The black specks were not frostbite but now we are sure. We are trying to keep the feeding and sleeping routines the same and will move to the colder garage before reintroducing to the outdoor coop. I believe that we may be overthinking this a bit but just being cautious. I would hate to have more serious problems.
If this helps any...
I have a rooster who resides in the house "part time". He's out during the day but in over night so when he crows in the morning, it doesn't disturb neighbors. I have had no problems during Spring/Summer/Fall with him going in and out...he's actually trained to go outside upon opening the door (my rooster dog :lau). However, with the temps dropping (9 degrees last night and 5 then 3 the next few here on the East Coast we're about to face whatever snow storm is coming) he has been VERY difficult to coax outside. I got him out on the deck yesterday with a fight and then he just turned and went back inside the house. It's comical...but only for so long. I've kept the hens outside using the heated K&H mats in the houses. So far so good.
So...not addressing health issues here but there are apparently behavioral ones!!!
Are you married. If so how much longer do you wish to stay that way. Chickens + inside house + other spouse = bad times.

lol Yes, my husband got 'me' a Cozy Coop flat panel heater for our little coop so that I wouldnt bring the girls in the house :)
He teases me by calling me Ellie Mae lol
I just miss sitting with the girls, since our coops not a walk in and its windy and frigid here. I might try sectioning off a small spot in the garage for visiting with the girls...the hubs will love that lol
I'm not sure what you mean they never wintered before? They never been outside? If so it might not be a good idea to put them out. Now if they have been outside, bringing them in for short time (an hour or so) to socialize with you might not be bad idea but if you want to keep them in until spring you better be ready for the smell and mess. Sectioning off part of the garage is a good idea so long as the family dog or other varmint can't get to them, but you will still have to contend with the mess and odor. Otherwise, bundle up, gal! And go out there and play with your chickens!
I would leave them out unless you plan to keep them in until temps get warmer. Right now i have one of my hens and one roo in my basment. My hen had a vent injury do to the cold weather. And my roo thats inside keeps getting pecked on while trying to mate (he has a really really big comb an wattles) . so i built them a big box coop in my basement. Theyll be inside for the next month or so.

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