Bad news?

Could they have gotten stolen? A goose is a pretty tough bird, usually if they got taken, there would be some signs. Unless it happened down at this river and the evidence got washed away. Either way, sorry for your loss. I still hope they'll turn up. :(
Could they have gotten stolen? A goose is a pretty tough bird, usually if they got taken, there would be some signs. Unless it happened down at this river and the evidence got washed away. Either way, sorry for your loss. I still hope they'll turn up. :(
That is a possibility! However they never venture down to the river on their own and really— don’t want to a majority of the time. Last I brought them down I had to carry all three of them very awkwardly.

Much appreciated though! <3
I lost three of my sweet geese and my first drake to a coydogl He also carried them off with no signs. The only reason I knew what the culprit was is because it was stalking the property and he left the intact body of one of my poor babies behind but tried to came back for her later.
That COULD be a possibility but this was within a 30 minute time span! And as far as I’m aware we have no yotes at all. Never seen any on our property in the last decade, likely due to the dogs on our property.

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