backyard chickens make the news..

HIPSTER: Hipsters are a subculture of men and women typically in their 20's and 30's that value independent thinking, counter-culture, progressive politics, an appreciation of art and indie-rock, creativity, intelligence, and witty banter.

Besides in indie rock you can count me in! First chickens here I come!

I always think there are too many darn people in the world.. (hence the pez dispenser comment)..
But I think the woman in the article (Susie Coston) doesn't have a clue (her comments from the article are in "quotes")... as I stated.. perhaps she would be better off with a job in population control or birth control......

It appears that having actually knowledge or fact about the topic is no longer a prerequisite for news all you need is an opinion.

BTW, you can contact Ms Coston at:
[email protected]
and let her know what you think.
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Susie Coston 'National Shelter Director' for a non-profit called Farm Sanctuary. This is a vegan based non-profit whose main aim seems to be to rescue farm and other animals from becoming, um, well, food. As such, she is the self-appointed expert and we, the great unwashed, a bunch of idiots. And, they don't like chick hatcheries and the fact that many people buy hen chicks through the mail. There are many reasons given - but the only real solution is that we should all be vegans. Their web site lists the following chicken rescues for 2013: 200 hens from a closing egg factory, 100 mail order chicks sent to the wrong city by mistake, and three other miscellaneous hens - none of which appear to be abandoned by a backyard henkeeper. 2012 lists one small group of de-beaked Red Stars. So where are all these spent hens abandoned by backyard henkeepers? Not listed and I believe they don't exist - Susie would just prefer you to eat granola and give the planet a break.

Here are some real statistics from the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (VDACS). For the entire state of Virginia in 2012, 128 chickens were surrendered by their owners, of which 15 were euthanized. In that same period, over 70,000 cats and dogs were surrendered by their owners, and roughly the same number were euthanized. Looks like the hipsters are flooding the shelters with their cats and dogs to me. See for yourself:
Have you noticed people like here and are both pointing out how backyard chicken handlers are idiotic cruel people who are not humane and should be stopped. Both say be vegan!

Foodies?! My grandmother and great aunts and uncles grew up in a mud dugout during the Great Depression and Oklahoma dust bowl. It's the chicken flocks and foodies that kept them alive. Getting back to self sufficiency is both awareness of what we put into our bodies and breaking free of the commercial ideals. It however is not an economic move because simply chickens are not cheap. I give my excess eggs to friends and neighbors because everyone is hurting in this economy. They give me $1.50 which goes towards the chick fund for next season. I'm in my late 30's and my movement is to put less chemically and hormonal my enhanced products into my kids because food is no longer food but genetic manipulation and chemicals. If giving my kids a better healthy future is trendy and hipster than I am one hip mommy!
Have you noticed people like here and are both pointing out how backyard chicken handlers are idiotic cruel people who are not humane and should be stopped. Both say be vegan!

Foodies?! My grandmother and great aunts and uncles grew up in a mud dugout during the Great Depression and Oklahoma dust bowl. It's the chicken flocks and foodies that kept them alive. Getting back to self sufficiency is both awareness of what we put into our bodies and breaking free of the commercial ideals. It however is not an economic move because simply chickens are not cheap. I give my excess eggs to friends and neighbors because everyone is hurting in this economy. They give me $1.50 which goes towards the chick fund for next season. I'm in my late 30's and my movement is to put less chemically and hormonal my enhanced products into my kids because food is no longer food but genetic manipulation and chemicals. If giving my kids a better healthy future is trendy and hipster than I am one hip mommy!

Welcome to BYC. I grew up near Enterprise, Al. My dad camped in the woods in North Florida and he and another guy lived off of the land and cut pulpwood for 50¢ a cord. We farmed and the chickens and the other livestock certainly made our lives better. I am lucky to have a good job and I enjoy the chickens and sharing the experience with my grandchildren. I enjoy sharing the eggs that the family don't eat with friends and coworkers.
These organizations also believe that owning cats and dogs is "inhuman",,,basically (IMO) she's a nut and her opinions on this, and probably many other animal related topics, are the rantings of a damaged mind.
Welcome to BYC. I grew up near Enterprise, Al. My dad camped in the woods in North Florida and he and another guy lived off of the land and cut pulpwood for 50¢ a cord. We farmed and the chickens and the other livestock certainly made our lives better. I am lucky to have a good job and I enjoy the chickens and sharing the experience with my grandchildren. I enjoy sharing the eggs that the family don't eat with friends and coworkers.

Thank you and exactly! I enjoy sharing my eggs and am even giving my eggs to furloughed workers in need. Animals do make our lives better but there are also purposes for all of them.

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