Backup plan successful!


Sep 6, 2013
Stockton, California
The broody hen hatched 4 of 6 eggs on day 21. Yesterday morning, of day 24, she abandoned the remaining 2. I placed them in the homemade incubator. Last evening one hatched so I snook it into her nest last night. This morning the 6th egg pipped! Broody hen with backup incubator about to produce a 100% hatch!
Wow! You have the inscentive to create one in a pinch. I'm banking on the motherly monitoring you provide for the next few days! Patience is painless and it may take longer for the eggs to hatch, so .... practice patience!

Please let me know how it all turns out! My first monitoring experience turned out bad when I jumped the gun at day 25.
Do you remember what they were called and what size of commercial incubator they were for?

They look like little dryers for when you color Easter eggs. LOL
They're called incubator egg cups and I don't recall the incubator model. They were only 49 cents which is cheaper than anything I've seen online! The incubator is home made, has a plexiglass viewing wind, and easily holds 2 dozen.

top right hand in lab picture.

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