
May 24, 2022
Central Texas
So we raise ducks (have 2 pekin 1 male 1 female, 2 female Cayuga and 1 Female silver appleyard)
My cousin has a ranch in the hill country not too far away (Texas) and recently had 3 peacocks land on his front lawn and they laid two eggs which he hatched. He raises quail and turkeys so this is easy for him.
I'm hoping to get the next batch that hatch out however it ends up working out.
My questions are:
How difficult is it to raise peacock (s) compared to other birds?
How many in the minimum for them to be happy?
Is there a male/ female ratio?

Thanks for any and all help
So we raise ducks (have 2 pekin 1 male 1 female, 2 female Cayuga and 1 Female silver appleyard)
My cousin has a ranch in the hill country not too far away (Texas) and recently had 3 peacocks land on his front lawn and they laid two eggs which he hatched. He raises quail and turkeys so this is easy for him.
I'm hoping to get the next batch that hatch out however it ends up working out.
My questions are:
How difficult is it to raise peacock (s) compared to other birds?
How many in the minimum for them to be happy?
Is there a male/ female ratio?

Thanks for any and all help
Compared to domestic poultry peafowl are much more difficult especially when young. If you have experience with quail and pheasants then they're about the same. The more the merrier for them when it comes to numbers but groups of 4-10 in my experience are a pretty solid number. Males can handle up to 6 hens apiece but I keep mine in quads and trios mostly.

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