Baby chicks keep dying

We bought our 4 baby chicks from TSC, metal tub, feed, and water additives. We invested in a heat/warming board vs the heat lamp route. I mix the packets of probiotics and electrolytes into a gallon of water.I have also added a teaspoon of ACV to the gallon of water every other time I refill. I only have access to city water. they have survived so far and are now 4 weeks old. can you show a photo of your set up?
I started out on this site two years ago and have stayed away because of some or the same replys I have just been reading. I lost my first 12 as well
and ordered another 12 and began losing another 2. got mostly the same answers you have been getting.
After trying all suggestions I replaced the lamp to a regular light bulb and my problem stopped. Although the bulb was ordered from Amazon and was for small chicks I feel that was the problem. My chicks are ASI's came from TS.
I see a common variable.
Two words
Tractor Supply
I don’t know about the TS’s near you but the ones by me have very poor quality chicks. I went there to get my chicks (I did not get mine from TS) some feed. As I was walking around I personally witnessed several chicks die. They were all acting lethargic and it was almost like they were sick.
If you are doing everything right and your chicks are still dying try getting a couple from a different place and see if you have better luck.

I don’t mean to be rude to tractor supply as they seek great stuff. The sell high quality almost everything else besides chicks and chicken coops (had to mention it).

If your tractor supplies sell good chicks then great for you! But I am wondering if tractor supply is the reason behind this.
I have been trying to raise baby chicks, I am buying them from tractor supply, I have the recommended food, bedding, heat lamp, but my chicks start to die after a day or 2 and by 4-5 days they’re all dead. I have the temp between 90-100 and have the lamp on one side so they have a cool off side, I don’t know what I’m doing wrong, I have done so much research and takes to so many people and am told I am doing everything right. Can someone please help I’m tired of seeing them die. I am not getting anymore until I can figure out what I’m t
I have been trying to raise baby chicks, I am buying them from tractor supply, I have the recommended food, bedding, heat lamp, but my chicks start to die after a day or 2 and by 4-5 days they’re all dead. I have the temp between 90-100 and have the lamp on one side so they have a cool off side, I don’t know what I’m doing wrong, I have done so much research and takes to so many people and am told I am doing everything right. Can someone please help I’m tired of seeing them die. I am not getting anymore until I can figure out what I’m doing wrong
Hello, Im so very sorry to hear of your problems with your babies dying. Its a horrible feeling to watch them die one by one and not know why or what to do. The first three days are crucial. You need a thermometer. The water temp should be 98 degrees the first two days, then room temp on the 3rd. Never cold water. I always give mine something called "chick boost", its probiotics, vitamins,minerals, and electrolytes. I give them that after the first day. I also give them crumbled boiled eggs sprinkled on the bottom on first day to give them more strength by giving them more protein. I also put paper towel down for first three or four days, then use the larger pine shavings, not the small ones. Ive always used a plastic bin myself. Before I put the chicks in, I always use bleach water in a spray bottle to disinfect it first. Another thing you have to check for is pasty butt. It's when their little butt holes get clogged up. You have to clean it off. It will kill them. It sounds like you have the heat lamp correct. What I did was I had two thermometers, one by the heat lamp and one one the other side so I knew for sure the temp was cool enough on the one side. I'm not sure of where you are buying the chicks? I always bought mine online. I always get them inoculated for whatever I can too. The food you are using? Some people don't, but I always get the one that is medicated against coccidiosis, a horrible disease. It cost a little more, but to me its worth it. Another problem some people have is putting too many chicks in a too small of space. That can make them die off also. If I were you, I would get me a water pitcher purifier. They don't cost that much. I'd give them filtered water. Just to be on the safe side. Again, Im so sorry this is happening. I hope I've helped in some way.
I started out on this site two years ago and have stayed away because of some or the same replys I have just been reading. I lost my first 12 as well
and ordered another 12 and began losing another 2. got mostly the same answers you have been getting.
After trying all suggestions I replaced the lamp to a regular light bulb and my problem stopped. Although the bulb was ordered from Amazon and was for small chicks I feel that was the problem. My chicks are ASI's came from TS.
I am glad to hear you realized a heat lamp is just too hot.
A regular light bulb gets plenty hot.

Too many people think you need to cook chicks...and don't realize they are doing more harm than good by over heating them.
I see a temp. sensor in the bottom, but what does that control? turning the lap on and off? The lamp can be on 24/7, at the right distance to achieve the right temp INSIDE the bottom of the cage. 1st week 95F, 2nd 90F, 3rd. 85F, and so on. the chicks will move away from the lap if too hot, so give them a shaded place just in case. I keep the desired temp at one end, measured with a thermometer where the chicks are. food should be medicated crumbles made for chicks. Water should be filtered or bottled with minerals. you can add a tsp. of apple cider vinegar to the water. The babies will love to have something alive to eat, so get some mini meal worms and watch them go crazy. if they don't, there is something wrong with them. pretty soon, they will come running when they see your hand, since it brings the yummy worms! I didn't use the pine shavings with the babies. I prefer the corncob bedding to start and use shavings in the coop later. Keep an eye on pasty butt and clean/soak them in warm water if you see it forming-- it can kill in less than 24 hrs.
If you are buying locally look for a place with a knowledgeable person. I went to Southern States, a farmer owned co-op, and went to a more rural location. The women there were obviously used to having chickens. The one who helped me knew which breed would be best for a newcomer and made sure I had the correct supplies. If you can find a place like that I would highly recommend it over TS.
I have gotten chicks from Tractor Supply for 3 yrs. Never had this issue. I think you are keeping them too hot, that will also dehydrate them even if they are drinking. Look for an expiration date on the feed bag. Ours was selling year old expired food for starter food and I told them and they said they were told to sell it anyway. Also, even though I like organic, I use medicated food for the first bag. Read about Mareks disease. Once you have this, it passes through their dust in the air, and you can't get rid of it. Any new chickens must be vaccinated against it. But if they had that I'd think everyone's chickens would be dying.
Chicks at Tractor Supply are not medicated for Marek's disease or coccidiosis. I discovered this from probing research. Are you using medicated feed? Chances are, the chicks at Tractor Supply are infected. I wouldn't get my chicks there anymore. I use vinegar water solution for cleaning. Don't use bleach. Fumes linger and can kill chicks. What does their poop look like? You should only be giving chick starter food. Good air circulation too and fresh air in the area where they are kept. Sounds like you are doing everything right, but you may have chicks coming from unhealthy setting.

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