Baby chick not growing

Pampered chicken girl

Premium Feather Member
Apr 10, 2022
Hi all, so here's the problem....
A few days ago my silkie eggs started hatching, all was well except for one, it was facing the wrong way in the egg/pipped the wrong end and didn't pip its air cell. Somehow the chick hatched without assistance but we noticed it had spraddle leg. We quickly put a hobble on and it is almost completely corrected. But now she's 3 days old...and looks as small as a newborn. All her brooder mates are bigger and I'm worried about her. She's still active, eating, drinking and seems happy but just tiny. She also had pasty butt this morning. What can I or should I do to help?
I felt I should add what she's eating...
She gets nutrena naturewise unmedicated crumbles and has nutra drench and electrolytes/prebiotics in her water. Tonight we are leaving the hobble off in case it's stressing her. Also her vent seems a little inflamed, I dabbed it lightly and got a tiny speck of blood
Do you think her vent could be inflamed because you had to clean off the pasty butt? That just popped into my mind.
Do you think her vent could be inflamed because you had to clean off the pasty butt? That just popped into my mind.
That's what I was thinking
Do you have a food scale that you can weigh it on? When I have one that's a little behind the others, I weigh it daily. As long as they are active, eating drinking, and gaining some weight, I don't worry.
I don't think I do🫤
That chick was able to hatch itself, which is good. Often, when a chick has trouble hatching there is something wrong with it. It is not meant to make it. That doesn't mean you don't try, at least give it a chance.

It sounds like you have done everything right. Don't feel guilty if it doesn't make it. You're doing what you can but now it is up to the chick. Let us know what happens. :fl

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