Aztec Ducks!

Do these ducks lay particularly large eggs for their size?
All our ducks stopped laying over a month ago and we've never had them start up again the same season, so when we found an egg yesterday I assumed it had just been hidden somewhere. Then we found another today.
We do have 2 aztec girls who are 4 months old though, one of them totally looking for some action lately... I'm wondering if she may have started laying. They don't look like first eggs, though. They're as big as I'm used to from our mature full size ducks.

Or, next crazy theory... could having the young ducks suddenly have their hormones kicking in affect the older ones? One of the big ducks has decided that she's a small duck. Maybe the eggs are hers?
They lay small eggs like bantam ducks
Is it just a coincidence or has anyone else found that the drakes have lighter colored bills? Both of my girls have significantly darker bills. I have one hen of each (Porcelain and Blue Pearl) and 4 Porcelain drakes. Also, has anyone had a more 50/50 (hens to drakes) hatch rate? I feel like it's probably mere coincidence that it seems like more drakes hatch. I am ordering the breed specs so that will probably help with my questions as I have several. I am really enjoying this breed so much. Thank you
I've shared these pictures in another thread but thought I'd share the pictures here as well. Please pardon the yucky ring around the pool. I was running late and figured a water change would be wonderful, even if I didn't scrub out the ring. The Porcelain drake is named Nopey. The Porcelain hen is Diva. The Blue Pearl is named Blue Belle. I need to get updated pictures of all of the drakes but figured I'd wait a little while since they're molting into their nuptial plumage (I believe that's the one). It's crazy how different they look 💜
I've shared these pictures in another thread but thought I'd share the pictures here as well. Please pardon the yucky ring around the pool. I was running late and figured a water change would be wonderful, even if I didn't scrub out the ring. The Porcelain drake is named Nopey. The Porcelain hen is Diva. The Blue Pearl is named Blue Belle. I need to get updated pictures of all of the drakes but figured I'd wait a little while since they're molting into their nuptial plumage (I believe that's the one). It's crazy how different they look 💜
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The are so cute!!

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