Ayam Cemani — my son’s autism therapy chicken. Boy? Or Girl? :)


Jun 3, 2018
Hey guys! We acquired this beautiful babe as a chick and my son lovingly named it “John Jewell” lol. The lady that bred them actually gave the chick to us for free even though we offered to pay because my son who is autistic loves the color black, and he was very insistent on having a black chicken! Long story short, we do not know the gender, I think hen because it is literally the sweetest chicken in our whole flock! Buuuutttt... Johnny has been “crowing” the past couple weeks. And I have a few roosters so I’m used to the roo crow, but this one is unusual, almost an imitation rooster crow. Sounds nothing like my Roos, softer and only a couple times in the late morning or early afternoon. Any insight would be awesome!:)
100% rooster I think, because of tail and saddle feathers. And don't let that sweet nature fool you. Roosters can be very sweet - right up until they get old enough to want their own flock. Then they can do a 180* on you, and next thing you know you're having to manage a rooster that wants to attack your autistic child. It's a story that's happened on more than one occasion. I'm sure you recognize this, having owned a few roosters yourself, just a reminder to take care. Sometimes they stay nice. I'll knock on wood for you.

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