Automatic water suggestions?


Aug 7, 2017
Hi everyone! Thanks in advance for any and all suggestions!
I currently have a 5 gallon bucket water system I use for my flock, but I refill it frequently especially as summer rolls around. I'm interested in getting an automatic watering system that hooks directly to a hosepipe for a constant flow of fresh water for this year. Does anyone have any brand or style suggestions? Or maybe one you created yourself that you can share? Thanks!
I use horizontal water nipples, for my waterers. It's not automatic, but I use a 14 gallon drum and a 5 gallon bucket. I refill both waterers once a week with 18 chickens currently. The 14 gallon drum is usually 1/2 full when I refill it and the bucket is never empty.

14 gallon waterer.jpg
I just refill my 5 gallon buckets. And usually give a good rinse or cleaning as needed.

I'm sure you could rig some kind of float to work in a bucket. I think I've seen someone use a float valve from a toilet tank. Easy to find, inexpensive and reliable.

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