Aurora Ohio Chickens


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jan 9, 2015
Aurora, OH
So I have been working with city council and the planning commission on getting the city ordinances changed to allow chickens. Right now it is a giant grey area. One ordinance allows small animals provided they are for yourself and not a business. Another says if it isn't for a dog or cat you need 3 acres of property.

There are meetings going on to try and get something in place. Initial support by council is strong. If anyone local is considering chickens, contact city council. Like they say, strength in numbers. Will update as things move forward.
A 3 acre minimum is obsurd! I live on an acre lot that we own and am considering moving because of this. We moved here to be away from the city and to start a mini homestead. I'm very disappointed. You can have chickens in the city of Cleveland on a normal sized urban lot, but not here on an acre!? It just seems backwards.
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Go online and email your council ward member. Email the at large council members. Anyone living in aurora come out may 6th at 7 pm to the planning commission meeting.
I have said the same thing about cleveland allowing them. Hudson, chardon, cleveland heights. Law director is looking into to. Just don't give up.
I have said the same thing about cleveland allowing them. Hudson, chardon, cleveland heights. Law director is looking into to. Just don't give up.

I definitely plan on going to the meeting on May 6th. Oh boy.. Hopefully, we can do something about this.
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It is very possible you could be fined for having them. Just present it as wanting to get chickens and not already having them.
So council members finally got back to me and she don't want to pursue it anymore. Feels it's a waste of time as "everyone" she has talked to is happy in their own little world. She said that none of other council is in support. So I sent all of them emails. Get their opinions. If I would happen to get a majority of being ok I will present the idea to council. But as of right now keep the peeps quiet.
So you need 3 acres to have a few chickens? Thats ridiculous! I live in Cleveland on less than a half acre and have "6" chickens myself, also applied to get a few rabbits. My wife and I were talking about looking to move to Aurora for the schools and was searching Aurora, OH ordinances for chickens and came across this thread. Sad that Cleveland actually has more liberal farm animal ordinances than Aurora does, so messed up.
If you are looking to move this way for the schools look into solon. I believe they allow chickens.
As of right now the members of our council in support of chickens are not liked and out numbered by the old set in their ways council members. A lot of them are not rerunning for seats. So once council changes faces they want to get it on the books. They personally know of 12 or 13 families with chickens and they are buying their eggs from them. As long as your neighbors don't complain you will have no issues. If you do move in to the area let me know, as their is strength in numbers. I would love to have more then just chickens, into homesteading and permaculture, but currently not going to push the issue.

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