Attacked by Racoon, Severe Injuries, Emergency, Plz Help


OG Anomaly

Jul 23, 2017
0723170302.jpg Hi, I'm not familiar with posting in threads like this, am typing w one hand & holding the injured bird w the other- please bear w me & thank you in advance for any help/suggestions/info
A few months back, my son came home from work w 12 chicks (pullets?) from our local Tractor Supply. He's interested in homesteading, has a couple friends & acquaintances w backyard coops & one lent him a book about chickens & he decided to try it.
Late last night he went out just to check the chickens, & as he approached the coop he heard something scuttling away into the brush & saw feathers Everywhere! 2 of the birds were lying in heaps on the ground w their heads covered in blood! :( We thought both were dead, but one made a little movement as I started to pick her up!
My son held her close while I grabbed my phone & immediately started looking for 1st aid advice-
I was able to find a little info & as instructed, we wrapped her in a towel to help calm her, keep her warm & try tp lessen the shock. I made batch of Dakin's Solution (?) using a 1/4 tsp baking soda, 1/2 Tblsp bleach & 1/2 Gal water. I try to clean her up as best as /I could, as gently as I could.
Most of her comb is torn off, she has an open wound on her head that you can see bone thru, she's most likely lost her right eye, but her left might recover (she did manage to open it a cpl times), she has tears in the skin that attaches around her beak, and is missing some feathers in a couple spots on her chest. Her nostrils are filled with blood and she's breathing thru her mouth & panting. I was able to clear out her some and she did close her mouth for a little bit...
I haven't tried to put any antibiotic ointment on yet, I wanted to find more info & just give her a break & let her try to relax some. I've been giving her water by spraying very small amounts into her beak w a tiny diabetic/insulin syringe (it's all we had available). She is now holding her head up & will drink on her own when offered (doing this frequently) but she's totally blinded rt now...I have pics on my phone & will try to load them.
I guess my questions are...1) How can I tell if she has internal injuries?
2) Should I even put Neosporin/antibiotic ointment on her?
3) Is there another disinfectant I should be using, other than the Dakin Solution (which worked amazingly)? Hydrogen Peroxide was also suggested (as well as some brand name stuff), but none available at the time.
4) Are chickens more susceptible to infection than other animals, like cats or dogs & how hard is it to heal if it does get infected?
5) If she ends up being blind in both eyes, should we put her down/euthanize her because of that (or are there any blind chicken stories out there)?
6)What's the best way to house her during recovery? I'm afraid to let her walk around because she can't see & because of fear of infection of the open wounds on her head...?
Thank you so much for help, so sad for our girls. :'(


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Topically, I apply only Blu Kote. I would immediately begin treating antibiotic lased water. Keep her in a cool dark location. Keep her where flies can not get to her an lay eggs on wounds as that leads to fly strike.

Totally blind can survive but that is a high maintenance issue.

For now I would concentrate on getting bird back onto road of recovery. She can go a day or two without food.

Provide pictures of here wound. Check the rest of her body as well.
Topically, I apply only Blu Kote. I would immediately begin treating antibiotic lased water. Keep her in a cool dark location. Keep her where flies can not get to her an lay eggs on wounds as that leads to fly strike.

Totally blind can survive but that is a high maintenance issue.

For now I would concentrate on getting bird back onto road of recovery. She can go a day or two without food.

Provide pictures of here wound. Check the rest of her body as well.
Thank you, I just added the pics. Haven't really tried to check the rest of her body, I'm so afraid of hurting her, just cuz, but also because she'll try to start flapping around & I don't want any further injuries...are there any kind of specific "chicken holds' I can use use?
Topically, I apply only Blu Kote. I would immediately begin treating antibiotic lased water. Keep her in a cool dark location. Keep her where flies can not get to her an lay eggs on wounds as that leads to fly strike.

Totally blind can survive but that is a high maintenance issue.

For now I would concentrate on getting bird back onto road of recovery. She can go a day or two without food.

Provide pictures of here wound. Check the rest of her body as well.
Thank you so much, I did get the pics added, having some issues w new pc, hopefully this goes thru... I will see if we can get the blu kote. I'm afraid to try & check the rest of her out, for fear of further injury, she tries to start flappig around...gonna look for some specific 'chicken holds'
I empathize with your horror story, mine was from a fox. I have Silversulphadiazine which most horse vets carry with them, referred to as "Silvadine". It is the equine equivalent of human burn cream, and it promotes tissue restoration in hours...on my horses usually in 9 hours. Vetricyn is a spray on treatment which you should keep on hand always. You did all the right emergency measures, and I'd expect your hen to be panting, just the huge surge of adrenaline would make her pant after what she's endured. Take her to a vet as soon as you can for treatment especially of the eye, she may stitch a few of the wounds but having had these kind of trauma injuries in my own farm animals, I will say quiet, calm, topical treatment and she will heal quickly. By all means keep her isolated, a dog crate will work just fine...just keep her away from the other hens as they will peck at her wounds and the like the taste of blood, so until her wounds are healed she needs to be by herself. Thank you for taking such good care of her, with such love and compassion!
Like Centrarchid said, be sure to protect her from fly-strike and start anti biotics.. And with the supportive care he advises you give her the best chance to recover.
If you would like to try a Homeopathic remedy in addition [I'm thinking Arnica Montana in any potency available to you] and need info on that you can PM me. Very best wishes in your effort to save her.

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