attacked 6 wk cornish x-hurt-NOW Diarrhea?


Flock Mistress
11 Years
Jun 14, 2008
N. IL.

I thought they were old enough to defend themselves by now but I let everyone have free run of the chicken yard.

When I returned 6 hours later I noticed a commotion so I went and checked.

The poor fella had his head down behind a board trying to protect himself. I picked him up and his head has been plucked of feathers, his comb attacked-red-raw-swollen, his ear holes are bleeding badly, and he has 2 gashes on the top of his head. It looks just plain nasty. There is a dark dime sized purple spot too? bruising?

I ran some water over his head and took a q-tip with hydrogen peroxide and put it on him. He shook and left big globs of blood on me. ech.

I have seperated him in a cage in the garage with food and water. He fell asleep fast. Poor lil guy has been trying to defend himself all day. Then he got up and went and drank water...and fell asleep...and when I peek in there he kind of makes a wimper at me when I talk and pet him. Oh its just so sad.

I'm worried about his pain, if he'll survive, if flies will get to the wound & maggots, and umm, how do I say this politely? He goes and gets "shrink wrapped" in 2 weeks...will he make it till then? And what do I do in the mean time?

And why are my 6 hens being so nasty?

I've read somewhere on here about Aspirin in the water. I also read about neosporin on the dog attack on the wing thread. My roo has 2 open gashes (small about the size of a ladies pinky finger nail if even?)--is that still ok on an open wound?

And I've never stitched a wound before.

Please help.

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Sorry to say it, but chickens are nasty to each other, and can be cannibalistic. Once they start pecking, they generally do not stop.

As long as you keep him isolated and keep an eye on him to make sure he's healthy, I think he'll make it to the 'shrink wrap' date.

I don't know anything about doctoring wounds. One of my EE pullets was pecked badly, she had a quarter-sized spot on her back that was oozing blood everywhere. I separated her and then left her alone. The bleeding stopped and now it's healed up perfectly, without any intervention. It helped that I put her back into the brooder, which has a screen lid to prevent flies from getting in.

Hope this was helpful!
I sure do hope it heals up. Thanks for the outlook.

I am curious what EE stands for?

I've always done (ok for 4 years or so now) bared rock and then of course the cornish x. I still have 6 barred rock hens.

This year I am trying a couple of each---Red Stars (hens and roos), Delawares (hens and roos), Silver Laced wynadottes, and black austrolopes for my layers. My "free" exotic looks to be a Polish--with the funny feather head. And 30+ cornish x.

And greetings from N. IL.---you guys getting any of this flooding like S. WI. and N. IL.??? It's a doozy.

Oh, and 2 big black shepards, 2 outside cats, 3 inside cats, 2 fancy tailed goldfish, and you may as well count, Grandma's little dog, shiatzu mix--since Grandma's retired and always running around somewhere and guess who doggy sits?

A screen? Nice idea but? I don't have any? I thought about bringing him inside but it's an old house and I've got just as many flies in here as out in the garage. ha ha...wait, that's not funny.

I'll let you know how mr. roo is doing.

Mr. Roo is doing fine. He is up and about and eating and drinking. I did put asprin in the water as I had read on another post.

But to my dismay the barred rock hens attacked another cornish x hen this time. I think the 2 must have been a pair and the hen went to look for her partner. When I put the hen in the cage with the injured roo they cuddled each other. awww.

And my mom said a dingy thing last night when I told her that I read to put aspirin in the water, she says, "Do chickens feel pain?"

I asked her if her little dog yelped when she picked her up by the armpits?

Oh that Grandma. Think my kids are safe when she babysits? ha ha.

Essentially, what the hens have decided to do is claim territory. They won't let the newbys out the chicken side door out into the yard.

Any thoughts on this?

Right now I let them completely out to free range...hoping the newbys come out in the chicken yard and get air and bugs if they want to. So far they are too afraid.

I added ("in the chicken yard") to that the 2 sets are in different areas.

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The second chicken attacked, a hen, her wound doesn't really look like it would heal on its own.

It's open at least an inch. I can see everything when she turns her head--it moves across the muscle and bone. blech!

I can't see it good because of top feathers so I pushed her neck down and her feathers up to get a look and ew that's gross. ***A) What do I do now? "Shrink wrap" day is July 7th.

It's ok to have a chicken neck in a soup pot but one fleshy one still attached to a live chicken is another thing. She's eating...drinking...

And the barred rock got another cornish hen the other day. Not nearly as bad but still open gash. I did not separate her and she is still in coop with her brothers and sisters...eating...and no one is pecking her. The only way I know which hen it is is by the smudge of blood on top of some feathers.

Today I saw 2 bared rock go at it. They are out free ranging and there was one below a bird feeder and another one came up and jumped on the others neck with her feet. Making the other one run away.

***B) Is this how the gashes are happening by the toes? I was under the impression it was the beak?

***C) Is the attacking now become a common occurance? I've never had hens do that before?

The female has diarrhea. Her wound is a scab--really really nasty. she eats and drinks and walks around and looks like she's got strength and is alert.

What should I be doing?

Should I put anything on the wound or in the water? She goes to get "shrink wrapped" on July 7th.


Sure...Now you tell me.

Oh well, that was a little bit on day one.

But I'm glad I know.

Now what?


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