Astralorp or Jersey Giant?


Crossing the Road
5 Years
Mar 29, 2019
Northern Minnesota
My Coop
My Coop
I ordered 1 Black Astralorp and 1 Black Jersey Giant. The chicks were packaged for me at the store before I got there. I could not tell any difference between them at 1 day old, nor can I see any difference at 10 weeks old. Here they are together, and they both look like they have the same build, height, weight, etc... I am wondering if I got one of each breed, or maybe 2 Astralorps or 2 Jersey Giants.

Here is a picture of each bird individually.


Both birds are about the same size of my other 10 week old pullets. As you can see, they are more or less the same size of the ISA Brown in this photo. I would say that they are the same size, or maybe even slightly less, than my 10 week old Buff Orpington (not in picture).


Any educated ideas on what black birds I have here? One of each, or two of one breed? Also, at 10 weeks old, would a Jersey Giant pullet be any bigger (or smaller) than an average sized pullet? I know a full grown Jersey Giant is much bigger than the other breeds I ordered, but what is their expected size at 10 weeks compared to say, an Orpington? Thanks for any feedback.
I know a full grown Jersey Giant is much bigger than the other breeds I ordered
Maybe, since they are hatchery stock.. hard to say for sure as their birds rarely measure up to the standard of perfection.

Way to tell the difference is look at the bottom of the feet...
JG should have yellow skin. And Australorp should have white skin.

Let me know what you find, I'm curious. :pop
Many of us have discovered the ease of getting our birds after they have gone to roost with a flashlight. No chasing ever. ;)

Only 3 of my 10 pullets are actually using the roosts. The other girls are content to all sleep in one corner of the coop, on the bedding. But I suppose sleeping is sleeping.
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Just got done reading an old 2009 BYC thread on this topic. Owner stated that at 9 weeks her Jersey Giant towered over the other birds. In my case, the black pullets are the same size as the Buff Orpington, and maybe just a bit smaller. They don't tower over any of the other pullets. Another owner stated that she had 2 Black Astralorps, one had white feet and one had yellow feet. I guess the hatchery may not be sending out birds up to APA standards....? In my case, the black birds have yellow feet like a Jersey Giant but are not any bigger than the other pullets in the flock so maybe they are yellow footed Black Astralorps?

One other thing I noticed on my black birds, both have a splotch of white on their back wing feathers which are sitting close to the rump of the birds. It looks like the tip of only one or two wing feathers, but both birds have the same marking. Possible crossbred imperfection?

I'm OK any way, 2 Astralorps, 2 Jersey Giants, or one of each. I was just hoping to find out definitively what breed they are today. I guess I might have to wait another 10 weeks and see if the birds grow into Jersey Giant size, or not. Given the yellow feet, I'll just assume they are both Jersey Giants and not lose sleep over it.
After they sleep pick em up and put em on the roost. After a couple days they'll start doing it on their own

The roosting bars have only been in the coop for about 1 week. At first, it took 3 days for the first pullet to find her way to the 2 foot high bar. Then a couple days later 2 other pullets joined her. Now those 3 pullets have moved to the highest 4 foot high bar. But the other 7 pullets have been content to sleep on the wood chip bedding. If they don't figure it out in a few weeks, I guess I'll spend some time and effort on roost training. Thanks.

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