Assistance in creating a first aid list


7 Years
Apr 26, 2016
Hello everyone. I have been a reader for years but a newbie poster. I am not usually overly active in forums, but I was hoping for your help.

I recently posted on several Facebook forums asking what people keep in their poultry first aid kit. I complied the list and have been working for hours to create a printer friendly .pdf for people to use. I have included the medication, indications, dosage, warnings, etc along with other non-medication items. My goal is to provide a comprehensive resource for the backyard poultry keeper. I have used this forum for a lot of my information such as doses, and I see the same questions over and over and I feel that anything that helps educate the chicken keepers out there would benefit.

Anyways, I was wondering if anyone here would be willing to contribute?

Do you have certain items you consider a necessity for your first aid kit?

If they are off label, what dosing do you use?

Other than this forum, what resources/sites/books do you use to gather treatment information?

Thank you in advance!
Thank you. I guess I searched for the wrong terminology as I looked before posting, but didn't find anything. I apologize, thank you.
Gosh, I apologise if my tone came across as patronising - that was not my intention, i was simply trying to give you additional ideas. Apologies, once again
No not at all! I just know it's frowned upon when new people post something that's been talked about extensively. I thought I searched properly but I didn't and I'm sorry
Its never frowned upon to ask questions here at BYC - we are here to help each other. If it was simply a repository of information, we would not exist as a membership going on to half a million members
never be afraid to ask - it's the only way we learn from each other (and don't imagine for a second that I don't ask when i have an issue that i cant resolve, or need reassurance- i most certainly do)
I think one of my Golden Buffs has a broken wing :(. These are my babies and it has broken my heart to know she's / they are injured. I've wrapped her wing as close to normal as possible and isolated her from the there anything else I can do for her!?? Like I said, she is one of my babies and I hate to see them hurt. It's just happened in the last couple of hours :(
I think one of my Golden Buffs has a broken wing
. These are my babies and it has broken my heart to know she's / they are injured. I've wrapped her wing as close to normal as possible and isolated her from the there anything else I can do for her!?? Like I said, she is one of my babies and I hate to see them hurt. It's just happened in the last couple of hours

Sorry to hear that. I'd suggest creating a new thread for your question - you are more likely to get help from the ER experts here. Under each post, there's a box "start a new thread" - just click on that and copy paste.

Good luck

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