Aspirated Pekin Duckling - advice?


Jul 20, 2023
Tampa, FL, USA
Yesterday, my sister and "rescued" a Pekin duckling (approximately 2.5 weeks old). She was being sold at a market, kept alone in a cage with no water or food. Of course we couldn't leave her.

She seems aspirated - she peeps fine (and loud lol) but occasionally some of those peeps sound raspy (coming from her mouth, not her lungs - I think...). She coughs and sneezes, sometimes spitting up water. Not every time, but enough to make me write a post here.

She's eating and drinking fine now. Pooping normally (solid). She isn't lethargic. She swims and jumps and has energy.

I know sometimes ducklings drink too much or startle and cough or throw up water, but it's been 24 hours since I picked her up and the symptoms above are still present.

I have antibiotics - I know if aspiration lasts for long, it can cause an infection. Is there any harm in giving her antibiotics? If not, is there a recommended dose per weight? She's tiny (obviously not eating enough before).

Contacting the previous owner isn't possible.

Any thoughts or advice? She's separated from our other ducklings; we're hoping to integrate them once I know that she's okay.

We live in Florida, so there's no cold weather here. She's indoors under a heat lamp with a big bowl of water to dunk her head and some dumor chick starter (non medicated).
Thank you for rescuing that little one.

If she were my rescued duckling,
I would care for her exactly as you are.

With her very active and normal condition and behavior, I would hold off giving antibiotics. I would keep her under close observation only unless the symptoms of aspiration increase. I suspect they will decrease and go away
Her symptoms seemed worse this morning. Coughing and sneezing, panting, raspy peeps.

Turns out I have injectable antibiotics... so I've been driving around all morning trying to find liquid Baytril with no luck. Orders won't get here for 5 days.

I made a vet appointment art Banfield. Doubt they have much experience with ducks but the office visit is "only" $59 and at least I can get a same day antibiotic.

Wish us luck...

I think I'll call this baby Delilah aka Delly. I hope she makes it, but if she doesn't, she at least has a name and a family now who's trying very hard to give her a fighting chance.

Sometimes, people make me sad. How can someone treat a voiceless being with such disregard? I have to keep reminding myself that most people are in fact good people.


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The vet recommended nebulization with an antibiotic. Fecal came back clean. She is wheezing from her throat and lungs. But the vet thinks we caught it early. We are using a nebulizer with 5ml of inhalable saline mixed with 0.02 mL of Gentamicin 2x a day for 10min. We did the first session at the vet, which seemed to help.

And good thing we did because apparently you can't buy a nebulizer anywhere in person. I had no idea. Walmart, Publix, CVS, Walgreens... no one has one.

I ordered one from Amazon but the fastest shipping option is 2 days.

That means 1 day without antibiotics.

She's sounding more "flemmy" now instead of a dry raspy cough, so I guess the nebulizer is working.

Anyone have any other ideas for how I can pick up a nebulizer for the morning - without it costing an arm and leg?


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That's a shame they are hard to find. I hope the duckling will be okay till the one you order arrives. I looked online and Amazon and CVS were all I saw other than UK.

She sure is precious ♥️
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The vet said for today only to put the small dose of antibiotics in water to give to her this morning and tonight. To make sure she got her full dose this morning, I put a drop of water into a very small bowl and then the antibiotic with it. Then I sprinkled a tiny bit of crushed dried Parsley... because ducks love pecking at spots. Lol

She drank everything.

For respiratory issues, nebulization is the best option but this method will hold her over until the nebulizer get here tomorrow.

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