Arkansas Chickens for Sale (or Free)



6 Years
Oct 29, 2017
Little Rock, Arkansas
I can't find the right starter group to put this in but I am wanting to start a thread for people wanting to sell birds in Arkansas. I'm not selling any on here right now but I know that eventually I will have some. Facebook is blocking animals posts and I saw today where they were blocking eggs for sale also on some sites. I have MeWe but so few people get on it. If you are in Arkansas and you want to start selling birds on here, please add to this post.
There may be poultry swaps in your area....
We have swaps here in SW MO, but they’ve all been cancelled due to bird flu. Hopefully that won’t spread to your area....
There is an in-person bird swap still going on at the Beebe Livestock Auction but I was trying to get something online going in Arkansas since the in person ones are not close to everyone/bound to be shut down when the Avian Flu hits Arkansas and Facebook does not allow animal sales so yes, please feel free to post your ducks here. :)

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