Arizona Chickens

Yeah I'm crossing my fingers that at least one is a female, however, if they're both Drakes them they will just be ornamental adding additional sounds and color to the backyard flock.
You do know that the drakes will breed your chicken hen's and the parts won't match up right? Your hen's could get hurt by that.
I am new to raising chickens myself and I live in AZ in the tri-state area! I found this thread and have been loving the pictures of the baby chicks! This may be a silly questions, what is an NN chick? I'm 90% sure it means Naked Neck from reading the posts but would hate to assume that and be wrong. If I am correct, what exactly is a NN chick?

Here are a couple photos of one of my little leghorns digging herself a nice little hole in the grass to keep cool on this 98° afternoon!View attachment 3526946View attachment 3526947View attachment 3526948
Omgggg so cute!

NN is naked neck
EE is Easter egger

I have been learning all the shortened ways to say chicken names too! I get just as lost hahah. I look them up :caf:welcome
Update on Ares! Their navel closed and they are with the others! Ares is smaller than everyone but is a spunky little thing!

They don’t let anyone push them around and is part of a tiny posse. Penguin and Pebble stick to Ares and keep that little one on track with eating and drinking. If Ares sleeps too long, they wake Ares up and take them over to the food then over to the water.

Rugby was moved to the coop. He is taking it better than I am 😂😭😂. I miss him and he wants to talk to the other animals! He is out there scratching about and talking to everyone! While I am running around like a lost mama. Hahaha. Ah I am so proud of him! I want him little still though so I can cuddle him and watch Korean drama with him again. 😂😂
Update on Ares! Their navel closed and they are with the others! Ares is smaller than everyone but is a spunky little thing!

They don’t let anyone push them around and is part of a tiny posse. Penguin and Pebble stick to Ares and keep that little one on track with eating and drinking. If Ares sleeps too long, they wake Ares up and take them over to the food then over to the water.

Rugby was moved to the coop. He is taking it better than I am 😂😭😂. I miss him and he wants to talk to the other animals! He is out there scratching about and talking to everyone! While I am running around like a lost mama. Hahaha. Ah I am so proud of him! I want him little still though so I can cuddle him and watch Korean drama with him again. 😂😂
Don't worry, you are about to pick up 5 more babies.

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