Arizona Chickens

Losy my first chicken Friday
didnt have the misters running early enough. I was home coincidentally with a headache by 2pm and she was gone

Will be starting misters earlier 12ish. Hope this helps. Also increased shading.

I feel negligent, but i will fight so it doesnt happen again.
Awww, I'm sorry Odii. Poor thing, it seems like a tough time of year for the chickens. I'm sure starting earlier would help. Mine go on around 11:30 through (now) 6:30. Shade will help too. An easy shade solution is this aluminet shade cloth I've been using. I love it, can't say enough about it. It's durable, breathable, and blocks 70% of the light. It's a good quick fix for adding some shade without decreasing the air flow.

Sorry again though. I haven't (and dearly hope not to) had to go through it yet.
i have the genesis 1582 hovabator and for some reason the cord is stuck in the outlet for the past several months so i just keep hatching!
i could really use a second one, but sometimes i borrow beehappy's instead. she just picked hers up yesterday. she has 3!!!!!!!! and then sometimes she borrows mine too! we have issues

but the genesis is great, great hatches once you get your grove on.
Ok I want to buy it do you know if the still air hovabator is good? I might get the still air
Losy my first chicken Friday
didnt have the misters running early enough. I was home coincidentally with a headache by 2pm and she was gone

Will be starting misters earlier 12ish. Hope this helps. Also increased shading.

I feel negligent, but i will fight so it doesnt happen again.
So sorry to hear that... I've heard a couple people in AZ that have lost a bird already to this heat, so don't feel alone.

We live in Surprise, Arizona and have 5 chickens that we bought from our local farm store. We got Edmond and Cookie (Rhode Island Red and Barred Rock) first. They were so fun that we got three more. Edmond and Cookie are a little over 2 months old now. The others are a little over a month. They are the fancy kind with the feathers on their head. I believe they are all hens.
We have had so much fun raising them. But we didn't realize how fast they grew and take into account that the weather was going to get hot so fast.
At first we could put them in the yard for a good part of the day. Now we only have about 2 hours a day that they can be outside without dying of a heat stroke. They are panting the second they get out in the yard. We love them very much, but we can't give them a proper home now. They are fantastic friendly chickens. We play with them a lot. My daughter just loves them. I never knew that we would actually care and have feelings for farm animals. They are our pets.
I have been on this site looking up all kinds of issues on raising chickens and it has really helped.
It is upsetting that we have to now find new homes for them. I am really sad and I am afraid that someone will want them for cooking or other bad things.
I could really use some advice as to how I can re-home them. I would like to post them on here because it seems like most off all the people on this site really cares about chickens. Since I am new, I don't qualify to post an ad yet.
I posted them on craigslist so far without a response.

Any help or advice would really be appreciated.

Thanks, Christine
Cute birds! We already are busting out the seams with our girls but maybe you'll hear from someone soon. I know that when we had to re-home a couple of our favorite boys, I insisted on taking them to the home myself and was picky about where I left them. For instance, I chose not to give our favorite roo to one home due to the conditions and their inexperience - found him another home that fit him better. If you can afford to be a little picky, it will help you feel better about where you leave them. Why do you have to get rid of them? Are you not able to make them a coop in the shade outside?
If you can not swing quarters I could take them for a few weeks (4-8) until you can bring them home. Another option.

You must have moved here, otherwise you would have known our summers. Apparently you were planing on fixing a coop and in closer, just not right now.

I would ask for you to feed them. If that is ok with you. My offer holds on building while I am recovering my hand. But you would not have to worry about them while you are at work.
BRYLIN: Why do you have to get rid of your chickens? If its a coop issue, chickens don't really require a whole lot. Most of us tend to go overboard (myself included!) in my opinion. They just need shade and a place to lay their eggs. A "make shift" coop would be fine until you can build or buy something else. If it's an HOA issue, well, that's something else. It just sounds like you really like your girls and I'd hate to see you get rid of them if you really don't need to!
I added Reflectix to the sunny wall of the coop, the exterior nest box, and lined the coop/run roof. It's at least 20 degrees cooler now! Amazing! I'm so much less worried about the chickens and the heat now. Thank you, Gallo, for the recommendation!!!!!!

I just started fermented feed last week. The first day was in the storage shed, and already started to smell funky. Moved it to the garage, and now it's inside in my little home office room. Doesn't smell at all, but I prefer not to have chicken food in my house at all. I'll move it to the shed when the temps drop down.
Hi guys! A couple questions
The other day I got 5 eggs from my girls, I have 4 that are definately laying and then I have my younger ones that I don't think are ready, the day before one of the girls gave me an egg late in the afternoon then the very next morning I had 5, I cannot figure it out! Mind boggling for sure, does that happen sometimes?
Next, I have a hen that sounds like she's sneezing? Should I be concerned? I pay close attention to what they look like, they all have beautiful healthy feathers, no problem with their eggs etc.
Last but maybe the most important is that it is getting very hot in the valley of the sun, my coup is large and we put it together with stuff we had around the property, bought a little material but not much. I should post a picture, anyway I have hung burlap on the sides to water down it is working like a swamp cooler and cools it off for a minute, it drys fast. My husband suggested a sprinkler for a minute either in there or next to it? But the ground in the coup gets wet, on my girls get sprinkled on, is this good for them or should I do something else?
Any advice would be great!

chickgrl, I am new to chickens myself so I can't really help with the sneezing question. I think I can help with the heat issue. My wife and I got our chicks at Western Ranchmen's on 32nd st and they have given me a lot of advice when I ask questions. I noticed one day two of our chicks kept putting their feet in there water bowl and I thought it was strange. I was told that they do this to help cool down. So my wife and I got them a "Pool" basically a shallow metal dish that we put water in the bottom of. Our chicks love it and will just stand in it from time to time. It is actually really funny to watch. I noticed this weekend even though it was 112 degrees outside they were not panting at all and looked completely comfortable. You might want to give it a try. The pool is the blue dish below
Originally Posted by desertmarcy

No, they are not clogged. I just replaced them all with brand new one
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