Are these Goose eggs good or not?

It is a mini gus! Don't know whether male or female but still adorable!!! We removed it and its egg after it dried through the night to give the others some room. And theres another one pipping. We heard it chirping and I even saw a large egg movement. Wonder if it'll look like Gus or if we'll get one that looks like Gizzy. I want a gizzy look alike lol. I know were not keeping them but come on their just sooo adorable to see lol. We know it probably doesn't need food and water yet but we put some in there just incase. We also upgraded the box to include the heat plate so it can choose between the heat pad and the heat plate. Also following tradition, my mom put a stuffed unicorn in with Gus and Gizzy when they were goslings and their children get a stuffed bunny lol.
Goslng 1,2.jpg


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So last night I put the second gosling in with the first despite the other eggs having pipped. There just isn't enough room for both of them to hatch plus the 2nd gosling to remain in there. I made sure to spray water inside and not linger with the lid open.

My mom woke me up saying she was taking them to the person that wanted them. No change from the pipping eggs and as we were preparing the 2 goslings to be taken to their new owner I noticed the second gosling was acting like the videos i saw of chicks with splayed legs. I told my mom and she asked what we can do and we tried using a rubber band and straw to help correct it. It seems to have helped it walk a bit more without flopping but the rubber band we had was a bit bigger so their not as brought together as they should be.

My mom let their new owner know and gave him the choice on keeping it or waiting to see if the other 2 eggs hatch and he said he loved it so he'd keep it. She let him know about probably needing a slightly tighter rubber band to bring them closer together.

I'm kinda really glad he accepted the gosling. I mean yeah I would have liked to monitor the correction myself but I believe he will have a better eye for something like that lol.

We gave him some grit and feed to help.

We did notice gosling 1 was a bit of a bully lol. It would bite our fingers no hesitation. Wonder if thatll turn out to be a male lol

Now hopes to the next two hatching out properly. I'm a bit worried since the first 2 were pretty quick but i keep reminding myself it could take 24 hours. But one egg doesn't look like its made a hole to breath yet so I'm worried.
Gizzy laid another egg today. The girl is up to 22 eggs this year x.x Should I say it? Whats 1 more egg? Lol

A 3rd gosling has hatched out and we suspect the other might as well. But the final candling had me worried about the last 2 in the lockdown so probably in a few days if they don't pip I'll recandle them before deciding to toss. So far no gizzy look alike. The third gosling is really dark probably because its freshly hatched but its probably another gus look alike lol. Theres still hope. The broody has her two and theres still 3 fertile in the incubator and I added egg 21 yesterday and now we have an egg 22. Fun lol. Wonder how many shes gonna lay... I'm happy with what we have so if she doesn't lay anymore. It's no issue lol but who knows.
Okay so far:
Batch 1 out of eight eggs none made it to lockdown
Batch 2 out of six eggs 4 hatched and the other two which were suspected to be dead before lockdown seem to be dead. I candled them after we took the fourth gosling out and didn't see any movement or veining. To confirm I left them out for a bit and neither retained heat. It is day 35.
Batch 3 only had 1 egg and it wasn't even fertile

Upcoming: Batch 4 incubated by broody hen. Shes got 2 and they were fertile during the last candling and their lockdown would technically be the 19th. I'll probably do a final candling just before.

So yeah lol After that we have a batch of 3 eggs. Thatll be followed by 3 other random day's. And possibly more until little miss Gizzy stops laying

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