Are these feathers indicative of gender at 9 weeks


May 9, 2024
At the back of head and base of neck, they were quite pokey so noticeable. Are these the beginning of hackle feathers that will later on determine the gender?
Those are just adult feathers coming in, I can't tell if they're pointy or rounded. A picture of the entire bird would give more indication of gender, because then we can look at multiple things, like the comb and feather color.
Those are just adult feathers coming in, I can't tell if they're pointy or rounded. A picture of the entire bird would give more indication of gender, because then we can look at multiple things, like the comb and feather color.
Thank you, I worded my question weird I now realize lol that's what I was wondering, adult feathers or hackles. It's a rainy day and they won't come out of their coops now but I will certainly take entire body pictures when I can, all of my birds of this breed have me stumped. Actually all of my birds in general of this age are giving mixed signals on genders unfortunately.

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