Are these chicken feet normal?


Sep 29, 2016
Aniwa, WI
I have 10 hens. They are all 7 months old. I notice that one Sussex and one Barred Rock have darkened areas on there feet that the other hens of the same breed don't have. Just an anomalie or something to be concerned about. We live in Northern WI. It's cold here but no body has frostbite and all of the hens are laying most days.


I think that that can be normal coloring. In the one above, that is the normal coloring of a barred rock female, while the males don't have that dark stripe on top. I have seen the spotting in the second picture in a couple of my ancona hens.
Are you sure it's not mud or poop stains? Another cause of dark discoloration on feet and legs is bruising. Chickens sometimes bruise legs and feet getting up on perches or dismounting.

But otherwise, those feet are classically perfect.

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