are there any safe alternatives to heat lamps?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 16, 2012
One of the factors holding me back from getting ducklings is I'm worried about burning the place down if a heat lamp were to get knocked over into brodder bedding.

Is the heat lamp the only reasonable priced way to go? (other than an mama duck!)

Our cat started out as an outdoor-only cat and we have a house for him with a special outdoor-use-approved, animal-friendly heat pad. Wondering if there's any duck brooder equivalent. Though I imagine it would need to be very waterproof.
I used ceramic heaters that screw into sockets like light bulbs but seem to me less likely to shatter and start a fire. I used them for decades for a pet snake and they never gave me trouble.

I also set them on a frame with hardware cloth, so they were protected from anything hitting them, and the hardware cloth would catch any pieces that might shatter (which they did not).

I have seen those dog sized heat pads, and thought they might be helpful . . . just would need area that isn't heated in case the ducklings felt too warm.
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There is a place called "Confederate Money Farm". This guy does not like heat lamps either.
He shows how to make a very safe heating unit from PVC pipe, christmas lights, and a hotwater
heater thermostat. Shows it in use too. I have not yet made one myself but sure do like the looks of it.
I use reptile heating pads with bedding on top. Through a lid down and it gets decently hot. Actually got it to 105° while testing it.
We are all going to be looking for something else now that incandescent bulbs are outlawed.

I use 100 watt spots in a drop light with porcelain socket and guard wires around the bulb. I have an eye bolt in the ceiling and a chain hooks to the eyebolt and hooks to the lamp. Then, I also put the cord up and fasten that to the chain.

Every winter, someone around me has a barn fire because their heat lamp comes in contact with bedding. heat lamps must be well secured and i suggest that you not use the plastic sockets. Find the porcelain sockets and pay the extra to get them.

There is a body warmer for surgery patients that blows warm air exactly the right temperature. They are marvelous and several hundred dollars. Absolutely perfect for new puppies and I suspect you could hatch eggs with them. They would be perfect for brooding ducklings if you could figure out how to keep them dry and clean.

heat emitter rocks made for reptiles might work if you don't have a lot of ducklings.

2 litter soda bottles filled with hot water work, as long as you are around to replace them as they cool off.
all great ideas, thanks! Especially good to know about plastic vs. porcelin sockets.

If I could pick up a used ecoglow on the cheap that would be ideal, otherwise some sort of ceramic something sounds like the way to go on a budget. Right now I'm thinking only 6 ducklings.

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