Are Poultry Farmers Creating Superbugs? (article title - not my wording)

Ol Grey Mare

One egg shy of a full carton. .....
8 Years
Mar 9, 2014
My Coop
My Coop
Came across this just now on MSN's newsfeed page- "ARE CHICKEN FARMERS CREATING SUPER BUGS?" -and while it is in regards to commercial producers this is something to know is being put out there even if you have only a small flock because we know the general public has a habit of taking half the information and running with it, which may lead to some misconceptions that ALL poultry keepers follow these practices and further the cries of "public health hazard" that are so often used to campaign against the allowance of backyard flocks.
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I just read the article too. I think getting the facts out is a good thing, and may encourage people to buy locally from small producers, or grow their own, with more humane and responsible methods. I hope! It's why my freezer is full of home grown chicken, and my eggs are also. Mary
Most commercial mass livestock producers over use antibiotics...old story, brought up fresh again, wonder what the angle is, slow news day?
Most commercial mass livestock producers over use antibiotics...old story, brought up fresh again, wonder what the angle is, slow news day?
I know, right - had me scratching my head too on just what the angle was meant to be. I was a bit taken aback by the big, bold headline that came across my screen when I logged in.
I just read the article too. I think getting the facts out is a good thing, and may encourage people to buy locally from small producers, or grow their own, with more humane and responsible methods. I hope! It's why my freezer is full of home grown chicken, and my eggs are also. Mary

Agreed, but could just see someone taking this article and trying to make broad applications to things that are unrelated (ie their neighbor's small backyard flock - or the person campaigning to City Hall to change an ordinance to allow chickens) - so knowing what *was* written is important in order to be able to counter it with factual information in regards to how this does - or, more to the point, does not - apply to the home flock.

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