Are my chickens weird?


In the Brooder
10 Years
May 6, 2009
Southeast Michigan
I am a chicken newbie and recently we acquired 2 five week old buff orpingtons. I have tried to feed them some treats and they have turned their beaks up at everything. They won't touch yogurt, greens, cheese, in fact the only thing they will eat are ants and their chick feed. They also are very scared of me and my husband. I am beginning to wonder if they had any human contact at all before we picked them up. How do we help them get used to us? Is it to late?
Just keep spending time with them. Chickens do strange things. I've had mine turn their beaks up at certain foods only to devour them a few weeks later. Give them some time!

Keep giving them treats. Birds often are afraid of new things, and may take a long time to try new foods. And once they realize that you are the treat bringer they should warm up some. They are individuals so they may never become lap chickens. 5 weeks is still pretty young.
Good Luck,
and welcome to the fun of chickeneering!

Give your birds some time, they'll get accustomed to you and begin to learn to eat new things. Actually, at 5 weeks they should still be getting most of thier nutrition from their grow food and don't "need" a lot of extras.

And an ant-eating chicken is a handy animal to own.

I find that my birds, especially the new youngsters, need to be taught that certain foods are good to eat. A hen-raised chick will learn from its Mama. Other chicks need to see someone else take that first brave bite. Try putting the food out and tap it with your finger, saying "bok-bok-bok" like a Mama hen does, that might get their attention.

Be patient & relax, you'll literally have your girls eating out of your hand in no time!
It's reassuring to hear that. I keep them inside at night and they seem calmer then. Sometimes I let them out and they will hop on my knee and floppily fly to my shoulder, but at other times they scream and run when I get near them. I guess I just need to be patient.
Grapes. Its the only thing I have tried and since it is a treat they dont need much. My turkeys like them more than the chicks do, but the chicks do eat grapes.

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