Are D'Uccles more fragile?

I should clarify my post... Mine are NOT fragile physically. They are full of attitude, and don't tend to get injured. (I guess, I didn't consider this could be referring to two different things... I thought the original post was clear in referencing health problems.) My issue is that my (show line, not hatchery) d'Uccles tend to pick up diseases easier than some other breeds that I have. Even easier than the peafowl, which have a reputation for being fragile (health-wise), but I find to be pretty hardy. They also tend to start laying pretty late, which can make it tough to get a new generation out of them if they get sick. :idunno
I've been looking for a thread about D'Uccles! I've bred the Mille Fluer D'Uccle and now raise the Golden Necked. This breed tends to have its hits and misses. I had a Mille Fluer flock who could go a whole -40 winter without dying and then had a flock of 8 Golden Necks reduce down to two roosters in three months. But I will probably never quit with them, I just love the breed too much!

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