Are black jersey giants really that much bigger?


Jun 2, 2023
North Florida/Panhandle
I’m having trouble finding videos or photos comparing Jersey giants to other large breeds like buffs or RIRs. My husband really wants one in the flock but I think he’s overestimating how large they actually are. I read they aren’t the best layers and if there isn’t anything particular special about them otherwise I’m not sure it would be the best choice of breed for us. Anyone have photos of their giants next to other large breeds?
I’m having trouble finding videos or photos comparing Jersey giants to other large breeds like buffs or RIRs. My husband really wants one in the flock but I think he’s overestimating how large they actually are. I read they aren’t the best layers and if there isn’t anything particular special about them otherwise I’m not sure it would be the best choice of breed for us. Anyone have photos of their giants next to other large breeds?
They do get quite large, but it takes them over a year (18 months if I remember right) to actually fill out all the way
I have 2, both 4 months, and at this age the difference isn't impressive when they stand next to the black australorps. Everything I read says that they will gain the height early but take a long time to fill out. Still, a 13 pound rooster.... We'll see!
I have 2, both 4 months, and at this age the difference isn't impressive when they stand next to the black australorps. Everything I read says that they will gain the height early but take a long time to fill out. Still, a 13 pound rooster.... We'll see!
I can’t have roosters here so it would be a hen only. Just trying to decide if it’s worth the roost space for a meh looking chicken who doesn’t lay great and lays basic brown eggs. I’ll happily collect meh layers if their eggs are interesting or they look super unique to me.
They will be larger than the other hatchery birds. Nothing compares to standard bred stock. You'd think my Wyandotte are huge! They are standard bred which is night and day difference to hatchery stock.
My profile pic is of my jersey giant roo. He's standing on the ground in FRONT of the steps behind him. The hen with him is a partridge Plymouth Rock. They were about 12 months at the time. Sadly, he was killed a month later.

He was hatchery stock and shouldn't have had the red.
I’m having trouble finding videos or photos comparing Jersey giants to other large breeds like buffs or RIRs. My husband really wants one in the flock but I think he’s overestimating how large they actually are. I read they aren’t the best layers and if there isn’t anything particular special about them otherwise I’m not sure it would be the best choice of breed for us. Anyone have photos of their giants next to other large breeds?
Jersey Giants are big, they get to their big size at a slower, healthy, pace. I wouldn't say JG's are ridiculously large. I have 3 JG roosters and a number of JG Orpington/Silver lace Wyandotte mix hens. JG's in my humble opinion and experience grow slower but they have been generally more healthy and certainly very calm and mild tempered, even the roosters.
You will only see a true size difference if you source your Jersey Giant from a breeder who selects to the breed standard. If you get one from a hatchery, you will be disappointed.

I have only one non-Giant in my flock, a hatchery Speckled Sussex. She is almost bantam size although purchased as a large fowl Sussex, but I can post a comparison shot of her with a standard-bred male Jersey Giant. Same age.

My Giants lay 5-6 eggs per week. My eggs are pinkish brown to a medium brown, one hen lays an egg with speckles. The pullet eggs are medium to large in size but hen eggs (1 year old and older) are XL plus (as in my egg scale doesn't go that high). Rarely, I have a hen go broody but when they do, they are dedicated setters.

They do grow slowly, but a pullet (from a reputable bloodline, NOT hatchery) should still weigh 8 pounds by 10 months of age.


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You will only see a true size difference if you source your Jersey Giant from a breeder who selects to the breed standard. If you get one from a hatchery, you will be disappointed.

I have only one non-Giant in my flock, a hatchery Speckled Sussex. She is almost bantam size although purchased as a large fowl Sussex, but I can post a comparison shot of her with a standard-bred male Jersey Giant. Same age.

My Giants lay 5-6 eggs per week. My eggs are pinkish brown to a medium brown, one hen lays an egg with speckles. The pullet eggs are medium to large in size but hen eggs (1 year old and older) are XL plus (as in my egg scale doesn't go that high). Rarely, I have a hen go broody but when they do, they are dedicated setters.

They do grow slowly, but a pullet (from a reputable bloodline, NOT hatchery) should still weigh 8 pounds by 10 months of age.
Thank you. Hatchery is my only option so it seems like maybe I’ll look for a different breed.

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