

15 Years
Aug 9, 2008
Ok got two chickens from a friend. Got them as babies are a month old now. They came from a mixed pen, there are like araucana, RIR, barred rocks, cochin, turkens, and frizzles.... lol.... any way, no clue what chicken the egg came from but I got this cute one that I am hoping is a hen... WELL to me it also looks like it may be araucana but I dont know for sure. Can some one look at this photo and tell me if it looks like it? and if it looks to be hen so far?

Sourland is correct, true Araucanas are tailess. The Araucanas in the mixed pen from which she came were likely not true Araucanas, but Easter Eggers (hybrids produced by crossing Araucanas or Ameraucanas with other breeds to produce eggs in various colors--true Araucanas and Ameraucanas lay only blue eggs). She is probably a mutt bird, but the good news is she is a pullet and will give you eggs (not likely colored ones though).
kk, well at least its a hen lol im happy there. To bad about the no blue egg thing :( dang but oh well lol she is cute :) THANKS

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