Anyone with Microsia/Atresia?

Devyn Nagy

Free Virtual Hugs!
Jun 2, 2020
Michigan, USA
Probably no one on BYC knows this about me, but I have bilateral atresia, which is the absence of ear canals, and unilateral microtia on the right side, which is underdevelopment of the external ear. I wear Cochlear Bahas (not to be confused with cochlear implants) on both sides. I wondered if anyone else on BYC has this or knows anyone with it, as it is pretty rare. It'd be cool to meet you! I'll be happy to answer any questions too.
I don't, but my uncle is deaf, I spent a lot of time with him when I was little, but I haven't seen him in ages. He signs and lip reads, his ability to adapt is amazing.

Thank you for sharing about yourself!

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