Anyone See Loved Ones in their Dreams?!


Crossing the Road
8 Years
Apr 9, 2016
California's Redwood Coast
Dear chicken friends is there anyone you miss desperately?
Have you ever seen them in your dreams?
Do you know during the dream that this isn't reality but let it flow anyways?
Are these dream recurring?

I see people I love in my dreams and always know this is a dream. Sometimes I wake up to cry it out from missing them. Most the time I'm just thankful to see them again. The brain is such an interesting organ with all it's neurons firing and working things out behind the scenes that we are clueless about. Yes many of my dreams include the nightmares of MOVES passed.

Please share whatever's on your heart that needs a virtual hug from a stranger who's doing the same. :hugs
I don't recall dreaming of dead people but I have dreamed of alive people dying and that's frighting as all get out.
My Mom dreams of people she knew who has passed all the time and sometimes I wonder if it's because she's old and closer to where they are; Meaning that she knows more loved ones on the other side than she does still alive. We're an Asian family and she always thinks they're trying to give her a message but I don't believe in that so maybe that's why I don't dream of them. Why would they waste time coming to me in dreams if I'm not going to listen! Ha,ha!
I don't recall dreaming of dead people but I have dreamed of alive people dying and that's frighting as all get out.
My Mom dreams of people she knew who has passed all the time and sometimes I wonder if it's because she's old and closer to where they are; Meaning that she knows more loved ones on the other side than she does still alive. We're an Asian family and she always thinks they're trying to give her a message but I don't believe in that so maybe that's why I don't dream of them. Why would they waste time coming to me in dreams if I'm not going to listen! Ha,ha!
Thank you for sharing! :highfive:

I guess my post would indicate I was talking of the deceased.. and sometimes they are there.. alas I have many people who've been apart.. some due to their own choices like drugs.. My nephews, due to family drama and their mother making the choice she felt appropriate which hurts.. like something I don't have the words to express, as we were very connected.. who are now going to college 10 years later.. and becoming young men.. One of these days, I WILL celebrate with them!! My brother and several cousins lost to drugs but still living are often being searched for.. I know this is just my brain coping with reality on it's terms and learning to be okay.. but sometimes, I just wanna go to sleep and let my dreams fill my heart.

Asian is such a broad term that describes a myriad of things including sometimes different belief systems about what happens before and after this life as we know it. I married first generation Korean American immigrant. While I am Christian first.. I understand there are MANY things I do not understand and as a seeker of truth.. I keep an open mind and hold EVERYTHING that crosses it to scrutiny. It's exhausting, but the only way I know to survive. :hmm

My dreams are like practice sometimes! So many early morning wild life encounters there are.. bear, deer, fox.. to name a few off the top of my head. There are often ones that include checking domestic nests I've never actually seen before. Some are visiting the feed store, saying it out loud in my brain has me cracking up right now! :gig

It's kinda funny that a young person thinks an old(er) person is closer to death then they are when the truth is none of us know with car wreck, falls, etc that happen every day. It's possibly technically true though (MAYBE statistically as well) as far as there has been more time for hormones to go awry and cells to get the wrong signals, maybe more overall exposure to carcinogens etc.. We should all cherish each day as though it were our last.. or our loved ones' last. Or our neighbors' last! đź’ž

Please understand I mean NO rudeness and just having a discussion about the thoughts you posed and kinda where I stand on them.. but not as a judgement of such.

My scientific curiosity in this regard.. we are energy.. our bodies come from the earth, return to the earth.. energy..

Our thoughts are energy.. simply electric impulses firing that send neurons around our synapse.. lol, as IF I know what I'm saying.. I don't really.. but that doesn't stop me from pondering! :oops:

Dreams are perceived when we are asleep, during which time there are chemicals released that stop us from moving and being able to act them out.

I use the term perceived in my last statement because I realize there are more things I cannot perceive even with my eyes wide open and my mind is blown...

Are my dreams an alternate reality, another time line? Can't be, without BYC! :wee

Admittedly, I have not YET seen BYC in my dreams.. and I ain't selling ad space in there yet! :lol:
Thank you for sharing your thoughts on such an interesting subject. We have all had dreams and at a young age mine were much more believable, back then I had a vivid imagination.
To be honest today I barely remember what I have dreamt unless I tell someone as I've just been woken up, by say the door being knocked breaking my sleep :)

Maybe I will try to make a note the next time I have a dream and share it here
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Thank you for sharing! :highfive:

I guess my post would indicate I was talking of the deceased.. and sometimes they are there.. alas I have many people who've been apart.. some due to their own choices like drugs.. My nephews, due to family drama and their mother making the choice she felt appropriate which hurts.. like something I don't have the words to express, as we were very connected.. who are now going to college 10 years later.. and becoming young men.. One of these days, I WILL celebrate with them!! My brother and several cousins lost to drugs but still living are often being searched for.. I know this is just my brain coping with reality on it's terms and learning to be okay.. but sometimes, I just wanna go to sleep and let my dreams fill my heart.

Asian is such a broad term that describes a myriad of things including sometimes different belief systems about what happens before and after this life as we know it. I married first generation Korean American immigrant. While I am Christian first.. I understand there are MANY things I do not understand and as a seeker of truth.. I keep an open mind and hold EVERYTHING that crosses it to scrutiny. It's exhausting, but the only way I know to survive. :hmm

My dreams are like practice sometimes! So many early morning wild life encounters there are.. bear, deer, fox.. to name a few off the top of my head. There are often ones that include checking domestic nests I've never actually seen before. Some are visiting the feed store, saying it out loud in my brain has me cracking up right now! :gig

It's kinda funny that a young person thinks an old(er) person is closer to death then they are when the truth is none of us know with car wreck, falls, etc that happen every day. It's possibly technically true though (MAYBE statistically as well) as far as there has been more time for hormones to go awry and cells to get the wrong signals, maybe more overall exposure to carcinogens etc.. We should all cherish each day as though it were our last.. or our loved ones' last. Or our neighbors' last! đź’ž

Please understand I mean NO rudeness and just having a discussion about the thoughts you posed and kinda where I stand on them.. but not as a judgement of such.

My scientific curiosity in this regard.. we are energy.. our bodies come from the earth, return to the earth.. energy..

Our thoughts are energy.. simply electric impulses firing that send neurons around our synapse.. lol, as IF I know what I'm saying.. I don't really.. but that doesn't stop me from pondering! :oops:

Dreams are perceived when we are asleep, during which time there are chemicals released that stop us from moving and being able to act them out.

I use the term perceived in my last statement because I realize there are more things I cannot perceive even with my eyes wide open and my mind is blown...

Are my dreams an alternate reality, another time line? Can't be, without BYC! :wee

Admittedly, I have not YET seen BYC in my dreams.. and I ain't selling ad space in there yet! :lol:

Oh My!!🤯Your blowing my mind...Ha,ha. Some of the things you said I've thought the same.
You meant people in our past not that have passed.:th:lau

I don't mean closer like she's going to die before me because I might go first, who knows. I mean closer by longevity statistically speaking.

I always heard when you dream of someone from your past it's not really that your thinking of them or anything but that your brain is like library and when you dream your just checking that book out. :D
I had a dream about my recently deceased hamster. :hit
Very sorry for your loss. :hugs

Please feel free to share a photo of your loved one and their name!

Was your hamster alive in your dream or do you remember or care to share any details?

Sometimes I find my my dreams are inaccurate visually but the feeling and knowing is still there.
The very worst dream I ever had in my life was of my mom, just after she passed. In the dream, I heard her come down the stairs and she came over to where I was sitting. I just looked at her, and she said, "I was gone, for a while, but I'm back now." I really wanted to go hug her and tell her I loved her, but all I could think was, "No, mommy, you're dead."

I can have dreams I am going to be executed in half an hour, and I'm like, "oh what do I do until then?" I wake up and think, well, that was a strange dream!

But I cried for a long time after I dreamed about my mom.
I can tell you something odd that happened to me two nights ago. I was sound asleep and I was awakened by a voice calling my name. It was the voice of my late husband, it was coming from the doorway of my bedroom, and it was as clear as day. My husband died ten years ago. He called me Cassie Ann. Oddly husband never called me Cassie Ann but my mother did. The voice was not part of a dream because it was the voice that woke me up. I have no explanation.
Very sorry for your loss. :hugs

Please feel free to share a photo of your loved one and their name!

Was your hamster alive in your dream or do you remember or care to share any details?

Sometimes I find my my dreams are inaccurate visually but the feeling and knowing is still there.
I'll post a photo in a bit.
Her name was Moon.
I dreamed I was following her through the grass on our lawn where we often let her run. We never let her out of our sight. She was kinda slow.
(the dream was super fuzzy at first)
Then she disappeared. I remember I called out for help to search for her, and no one was there. No one came. Clouds rolled through the sky. Everything in the dream sharpened up. I remember feeling so lost. She was no where. Just gone. The clouds above me were smoke clouds. Brown and sparks came down. (it was a dream, lol. Also, the smoke came the day she died. )
I couldn't breathe.
I woke up crying with my blanket over my head.
She died 2 weeks ago. It is still very raw for me. She was old, and went peacefully, in her sleep, but it hurts so much.

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