Anyone in San Diego Country Estates interested in trying to change the HOA rule against keeping chic

Brian, please do keep in touch, let me know how it goes with your house! I look forward to meeting you! I just went into facebook to check my settings- I had them kinda locked down for a while, but I just loosened them up to get friend requests. I'm at the east end of the estates- our yard is full of turkeys, so especially ironic that we aren't allowed chickens, lol! I'll post some pics I took. - Susan
We are in the same boat as everyone else. My wife really want to get some hens NO rosters however, my father has told me about the HOA. I grew up in the estates but never knew to what extent the HOA would go. He told me all the stories that he had experienced back in the 80’s with the HOA’s when we were kids. Our neighbors had chickens down the street from our old house off Dartolo Rd. and there were forced to get rid of them. The house my wife and I just purchased have horses living next door. They must not feed the horse so it wakes me up every morning kicking the corral and making as much noise as it can. This is a direct violation of San Diego municipal Code, Section 59.5.01. 7am to 7pm average decibel rating of 50. This occurs between 4:30 and 6:00am every morning. I love the estates however, they need to change the bylaws. If they want to police something get rid of the used car lot in front of the village store. In addition the storage lot behind the village store that looks like a dump. That is a real eyesore in comparison to a few clucking chickens.

With all the time the HOA employees have they should make note of all the streets that are in disrepair and or in need of resurfacing. Notifying the proper authority to make sure funds locally or from the county are allocated to repair and resurface roads in the estates. I love this place and always have that is why we came back. This just seems a little ridiculous all these other eyesores are present and they worry about some people having chickens. If they want to set a limit to the number of chickens and not allowing roosters that is fine with me. I just want enough to have some fresh eggs.
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I'm just wondering how this has panned out. We are getting our keys this week to a house in the Estates, and I just assumed that if you could have horses, chickens would be a given.. But in going through the HOA docs, I was quite mistaken. I would be interested in seeing if your group has gained anymore momentum since you last posted, and if the HOA is really that sucky about little things. Which is something we specifically asked before we got into the loan process. If they are, I'm going to be pretty irritated.
I'm just wondering how this has panned out. We are getting our keys this week to a house in the Estates, and I just assumed that if you could have horses, chickens would be a given.. But in going through the HOA docs, I was quite mistaken. I would be interested in seeing if your group has gained anymore momentum since you last posted, and if the HOA is really that sucky about little things. Which is something we specifically asked before we got into the loan process. If they are, I'm going to be pretty irritated.
Hello, we have not gotten enough support for a petition yet, although I had hoped we would be now. With 3500 homes and over 10,000 residents in the estates, we need to first garner enough support under the radar. So far it seems that you would only be dealt with specifically for this infraction of the rules if a close neighbor reports you. Many people do keep laying hens, not roos, and talk to their close neighbors (and bring eggs, lol) to avoid conflict.
Thank you! I will have to keep track of this thread in case of future developments, since we will be moving in soon.
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Hi! I'm so excited to find other people from the estates on here. I just joined, our house is in escrow. I was SO excited to be buying our first house and a big part of that excitement was the idea of finally getting some chickens. I was (am) SO BUMMED that the HOA doesn't allow it. I'm going to email you MIssChicks so I can join your group. The house I'm buying actually has 2 chickens, so I know the current neighbors are cool (the seller told me she offers eggs to neighbors). But here I am getting all excited and planning my perfect coop and all the while am worried that I'll be busted!

I look forward to learning more and making friends on here. :)
So many beautiful and reasonable priced homes in the estates. Too bad they're not zoned for farm animals. They'd get a lot more buyers out there if they did!!
Yeah, they'd get more of the homesteaders, but we have plenty of buyers from all over the county who are impressed with what you can get in Ramona for the money. And lots of military families from all over. It's the HOAs desire to keep up a golfing and equestrian image, that is keeping the chickens out, and lots of us think it is pretty dumb.

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