Anyone heard of Abrocam breed/hybrid ?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Feb 19, 2014
Hi All,

Anyone heard of Abrocams ? By the way, I lurrrvvvve this forum. Thanks to the moderators and whoever set it up.

Anyway, I live in Spain, am just about to purchase my first chickens, am leaning towards Jersey Giants, but have just seen that there is a largish dual purpose breed/hybrid called Abrocam available. Has anyone got any info/experience with Abrocams ? I have found a short paragraph of info that has been copied and pasted into EVERY website I've visited, but it doesn't mention if it is a good forager, hardy, docile, a good mother, goes broody easily, or how much it lays. It does mention that its meat is delicious and that it is a fast grower.

While, I've got your attention, which would you choose if you wanted a calm, hardy, heat-tolerant, broody, great big meat bird who laid some eggs. As I am planning to do some insect farming AND I don't have a freezer (so will kill birds as I need them, one at a time), I don't mind a slow grower.
Thanks !
Really any American class dual purpose bird will do. Most are docile. Dark Cornish and orpingtons are a good dual purpose bird. Buy birds from a breeder though. Hatchery birds aren't always what they say they are. At least with breeders you know that you are getting pure blood birds.
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