Anyone have rodents in their grain bins???


7 Years
Mar 18, 2012
Southern New Hampshire
When I went out last night to close up my coop I happened to go over to the grain bin to check to see if I needed more grain. When I looked into the bin I was very surprised at what I it wasn't a rat or a was one of 2 flying squirrels. I am in the process of building a new coop with room for a new grain bin. So until I finish it I have put a small string of flashing white Christmas mini lights draped across the bins in the old one. Since Flying squirrels are nocturnal I hope that the flashing bright white lights will keep them out. I will keep you updated as to wether this works. A friend of mine keep the deer from eating her yew hedge by keeping flashing white Christmas lights decorating her hedge all year long. Oh, I looked up flying squirrels...they are on the endangered list just my luck.
Many people suggest that we NOT store feed in metal because of condensation problems. But, when I switched to plastic, the darn squirrels just chewed through the plastic
I went back to small metal containers and #50 at a time and have yet to see a problem with condensation.
Since I put up the Christmas lights no more squirrel activity. When I finish my new coop I will have a grain bin made of 1/4 inch hardware cloth. Which will be inside my no more squirrel access. I will keep my plastic bins (no one has actually chewed through) . I hadn't had the lid on tight.

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